Release Notes

DataWeb 5.0.20 Release Updates Updates

Update on

Summary: Performance Improvements

  • User Experience Enhancement
    Performance improvements when running large queries.
    Option to not display rows for which no data was reported.
    Ability to subscribe to email notifications when DataWeb data is updated.

DataWeb 5.0 Initial Release Updates

Update on

Summary: Initial Launch

  • New Feature
    Programmatic access via an API connection
    The ability to query data without creating an account or logging in
    Download option of a Pivot-ready dataset
    New information on changes in product classifications over time
    Data warnings (in the form of stars in web-based reports) when certain first unit of quantity data have been suppressed due to data confidentiality considerations
    System suggestions on adding additional product codes to ensure a valid series for the entire time period being queried (i.e., to reflect changes or new additions to HTS codes over time)
    Ability to create, edit, and share country and commodity groupings
    Ability to sign up for monthly e-mails with data runs each month when data become available
    New detailed explanations for variables and datapoints available throughout the application
  • User Experience Enhancement
    Increased accessibility of the data
    Improved visual and screen reader accessibility
    More query parameter options such as custom time-period creation
    Enhanced integration and summarization of normal trade relations duty rates
    Longer sessions before system timeout for users accessing DataWeb with an account
    Larger downloads allowed
    Optimized query load times
    Expanded ability for users to organize saved queries