The USITC DataWeb provides public access to the official U.S. import and export statistics of the U.S. Department of Commerce in a user-friendly web interface. Using the DataWeb querying tool, users can build custom queries and access these data in a spreadsheet or a web-based format. The tool enables users to query data by key parameters such as the trade flow (e.g., imports, exports, trade balance), various measures (e.g., value, quantity), timeframes (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annual, year-to-date, even custom time periods), trading partners, product classifications (e.g., HTS, SITC, or NAICS), product details (up to the most granular basis available, or the 10-digit HTS or Schedule B statistical reporting number level), and additional data descriptors like duty-rate provision codes, special import programs (e.g., unilateral preference programs, free trade agreements), customs districts, etc. Users can also create and link a account to DataWeb which allows users to save queries, build custom commodity and country groups, and even receive automated reports via e-mail with new data each month when those data become available.

When using these data, the Commission suggests that the following citations be used:

Citations to merchandise trade data (imports/ exports):
  • Source: Compiled using the U.S. International Trade Commission’s DataWeb ( from official U.S. merchandise trade statistics published by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, accessed XXX.

Citations to tariff data:
  • Source: U.S. International Trade Commission’s Tariff Database, accessed via the DataWeb ( on XXX. For official tariff information, however, please refer to the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) available at