The USITC is headed by six Commissioners who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. No more than three Commissioners may be of any one political party. Currently two Democrats and one Republican serve as Commissioners.

The Commissioners serve overlapping terms of nine years each, with a new term beginning every 18 months. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are designated by the President from among the current Commissioners for two-year terms. The Chairman and Vice Chairman must be from different political parties, and the Chairman cannot be from the same political party as the preceding Chairman.

The USITC staff of about 365 individuals includes international trade analysts (investigators and experts in particular industries), international economists, attorneys, and technical support personnel.

The current Commissioners of the USITC are:

Amy A. Karpel

Amy A. Karpel, a Democrat of the state of Washington, is Chair of the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). President Joseph R. Biden…
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David S. Johanson

David S. Johanson, a Republican from Texas, was nominated to the USITC by President Barack Obama on April 8, 2011, and confirmed by the U.S. Senate…
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Jason E. Kearns

Jason E. Kearns, a Democrat of Colorado, was nominated to the USITC by President Barack Obama on January 17, 2017; renominated by President Donald…
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