Dataweb Query¶
Dataweb 5 allows users with API credentials to bypass the web application and send queries directly to the API. The Dataweb API is tool-agnostic, so any HTTP-capable tools will be compatible. However, the examples below will use Python.
Prerequisites for Python Examples¶
- Python 3.x with Pandas and Requests libraries installed
- An active dataweb account with API key
- Optional - Jupyter notebooks installed to run code directly from this page.
Getting Started¶
First, we need to import the necessary python libraries...
import pandas as pd # primary library for managing and manipulating data
import requests # library for calling API endpoints
... and configure important variables and settings.
token = '[Get your token from the API tab in Dataweb (requires login)]'
baseUrl = ''
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + token
Set starting query¶
Use the basic query provided (see below)...
requestData = basicQuery
... or we can get one of our saved queries. NB: these are based on the user linked to the provided token.
response = requests.get(baseUrl+"/api/v2/savedQuery/getAllSavedQueries",
headers=headers, verify=False)
Calling the API (first basic query)¶
At this point, we have enough to get the data based on our basic query. Let's submit the query to the API.
response ='/api/v2/report2/runReport',
headers=headers, json=requestData, verify=False)
Let's restructure the data into a tabular form. We are doing it manually this time to show what goes into restructuring the data, specifically this dataset with 3 columns. However, there is also a more dynamic function at the end of this document that extracts the data from the JSON regardless of schema, and it will be used in subsequent examples.
columns = []
data = [[x[0]['value'], x[1]['value'], x[2]['value']] for x in [x['rowEntries']
for x in response.json()['dto']['tables'][0]['row_groups'][0]['rowsNew']]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = columns)
df.head() # Shows first 5 rows in table
Now that we've seen how to run a basic query and access our saved queries, let's look how to make simple modifications to an existing query and resend to the API.
Not all manual updates to queries will be able to be processed by the API. If you run into problems, consider creating a saved query in the dataweb application, which applies the appropriate data validations and dependencies.
Updating Existing Queries¶
The following steps are designed to match 1-to-1 with the query creation steps in the DataWeb application.
Step 1: Trade Flow and Classification System¶
In this step you can choose between different summable measures of the data you wish to view. First let's copy a basic Dataweb query, so we can make sure we working with the correct structure for the query object.
More information for the endpoints used in Step 1 can be found in Swagger:
tfcsExampleQuery = basicQuery.copy()
Trade Flow Options¶
- Import: Imports for Consumption
- Export: Domestic Exports
- GenImp: General Imports
- TotExp: Total Exports
- Balance: Trade Balance
- ForeignExp: Foreign Exports
- ImpExp: Imports and Exports
Additional descriptions of each option can be found here
tfcsExampleQuery['reportOptions']['tradeType'] = 'Import'
Classification System Options¶
- QUICK: Quick Query
- HTS: HTS Items
- SIC: SIC Codes (1989-2001)
- SITC: SITC Codes
- NAIC: NAICS Codes (1997-present)
- EXPERT: Expert Mode
Additional descriptions of each option can be found here
tfcsExampleQuery['reportOptions']['classificationSystem'] = 'HTS'
response ="/api/v2/report2/runReport",
headers=headers, json=tfcsExampleQuery, verify=False)
printQueryResults(headers, requestData).head()
Step 2: Data and Years¶
Data periods can be selected a few different ways. Check out the examples of how to use the date parameters to customize your query below. First, resetting the query back to the basic query.
More information for the endpoints used in Step 2 can be found in Swagger:
timeFrameExample = basicQuery.copy()
To select entire years, set timeframeSelectType to fullYears and provide the list of years in years. Setting yearsTimeline to Annual will aggregate the data by calendar year.
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['timeframeSelectType'] = 'fullYears'
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['years'] = ['2020', '2021', '2022', '2023']
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['yearsTimeline'] = 'Annual'
yearsTimeline can also be set to Monthly
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['timeframeSelectType'] = 'fullYears'
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['years'] = ['2023']
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['yearsTimeline'] = 'Monthly'
More precise date ranges can be selected by setting startDate and endDate fields in MM/YYYY format. To select the date range using these fields, you will also need to set timeframeSelectType to specificDateRange
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['startDate'] = '06/2022'
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['endDate'] = '10/2023'
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['timeframeSelectType'] = 'specificDateRange'
timeFrameExample['searchOptions']['componentSettings']['yearsTimeline'] = 'Monthly'
Let's check out the results...
printQueryResults(headers, timeFrameExample).head()
Step 3: Countries¶
Countries can be specified in the query in a couple of different ways. The first is to select individual countries manually, but you can also select specific country groups that are managed by the Dataweb application or groups that you saved to your Dataweb user account.
More information for the endpoints used in Step 3 can be found in Swagger:
- Run Report:
- Get All Countries:
- Get User's Country Saved Country Groups:
countriesExampleQuery = basicQuery.copy()
The first option is to retrieve the list of countries...
response = requests.get(baseUrl+"/api/v2/country/getAllCountries",
headers=headers, verify=False)
df = pd.DataFrame(response.json()['options'])
... and select those countries we are interested in ...
countries = []
... and add those countries to our example query
countriesExampleQuery['searchOptions']['countries']['countries'] = [x['value'] for x in countries]
The final option is to load a country group that you saved under your Dataweb user account.
response = requests.get(baseUrl+"/api/v2/country/getAllUserGroupsWithCountries",
headers=headers, verify=False)
Select the the saved country group(s) you would like to use
countryGroups = []
Update the query to use the selected groups
countriesExampleQuery['searchOptions']['countries']['countryGroups'] = [x['value'] for x in countryGroups]
Let's check out the data
printQueryResults(headers, countriesExampleQuery).head()
Step 4: Commodities¶
Similar to countries, commodities can be selected using Dataweb-managed groups or specific commodity groups you saved to your Dataweb user account.
More information for the endpoints used in Step 4 can be found in Swagger:
- Run Report:
- Get All System-Managed Commodity Groups:
- Get All User-Saved Commodity Groups:
commoditiesExampleQuery = basicQuery.copy()
options = {'tradeType': "Import", 'classificationSystem': "HTS", 'timeframesSelectedTab': "fullYears"}
response ="/api/v2/commodity/getAllSystemGroupsWithCommodities",
headers=headers, json=options, verify=False)
Note: there are currently NO system-managed commodity groups
response ="/api/v2/commodity/getAllUserGroupsWithCommodities",
headers=headers, json=options, verify=False)
Let's select the first commodity group...
commodityGroups = []
... and add it to the query
commoditiesExampleQuery['searchOptions']['commodities']['commodityGroups'] = [x['value'] for x in commodityGroups]
Let's check out the data
printQueryResults(headers, commoditiesExampleQuery).head()
Step 5: Programs¶
Programs are not available when you select Domestic Exports, Total Exports, General Imports, Foreign Exports, or Trade Balance under Trade Flow in Step 1.
To select Programs, please select Imports For Consumption under Trade Flow in Step 1.
To start, let's reset the query to the basic.
More information for the endpoints used in Step 5 can be found in Swagger:
programsExampleQuery = basicQuery.copy()
Dataweb manages a list of programs, the list of which can be retrieved through the getImportPrograms endpoint...
response ="/api/v2/query/getImportPrograms",
json={"tradeType":"Import"}, headers=headers, verify=False)
Let's look at the first 5 rows of the data to see what it looks like
df = pd.DataFrame(response.json()['options'])
programs = []
Update the request with the program information...
programsExampleQuery['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['extImportPrograms']['aggregation'] = 'Aggregate CSC' # or 'Break Out CSC'
programsExampleQuery['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['extImportPrograms']['extImportPrograms'] = [x['value'] for x in programs]
programsExampleQuery['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['extImportPrograms']['extImportProgramsExpanded'] = []
programsExampleQuery['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['extImportPrograms']['programsSelectType'] = 'list'
printQueryResults(headers, programsExampleQuery).head()
Step 6: Rate Provision Codes¶
Rate Provision codes can also be added to queries. A list of RP codes can be retrieved using getRPCodesList. An example follows, but first we'll reset our query back to the basic query provided at the end of this document.
More information for the endpoints used in Step 6 can be found in Swagger:
- Run Report:
- Get Rate Provision Code List:
rateProvisionExample = basicQuery.copy()
Now, let's get a list of saved RPCodes ...
response ="/api/v2/query/getRPCodesList",
headers=headers, json={"tradeType":"Import"}, verify=False)
df = pd.DataFrame(response.json()['options'])
... select the ones we would like to use ...
rpCodes = []
... and add them to our query
rateProvisionExample['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['provisionCodes']['provisionCodesSelectType'] = 'list'
rateProvisionExample['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['provisionCodes']['rateProvisionCodes'] = [x['value'] for x in rpCodes]
rateProvisionExample['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['provisionCodes']['rateProvisionCodesExpanded'] = rpCodes
printQueryResults(headers, rateProvisionExample).head()
Step 7: Districts¶
Districts can be added in one of two ways:
- As a user-saved group
- Individually by ID
An example of each option can be found below, but first, let's reset our query back to the basic query example.
More information for the endpoints used in Step 7 can be found in Swagger:
- Run Report:
- Get User-Saved District Groups:
- Get List of All Districts:
districtsExample = basicQuery.copy()
If the user associated with the token being used has previously saved district groups under their account in Dataweb, then the district group(s) can be retrieved with getAllUserGroupsWithDistricts
response = requests.get(baseUrl+"/api/v2/district/getAllUserGroupsWithDistricts",
One or more district groups can be selected. In our example, we will just grab the first one
districtGroups = []
Now, we can update our query parameters to use the District Group(s) we selected
districtsExample['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['districts']['districtGroups']['userGroups'] = districtGroups
Otherwise, a full list of districts can be downloaded using getAllDistricts
response = requests.get(baseUrl+"/api/v2/district/getAllDistricts",
headers=headers, verify=False)
In this example, we will just use grab the first two districts
districts = []
With the districts selected, we just have to update the query to include them. Note that there are multiple values that need to be updated.
districtsExample['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['districts']['districts'] = [x['value'] for x in districts]
districtsExample['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['districts']['districtsExpanded'] = districts
districtsExample['searchOptions']['MiscGroup']['districts']['districtsSelectType'] = 'list'
printQueryResults(headers, districtsExample).head()
API Documentation References¶
Print Query Function¶
This is a simple function designed to be used with the examples above, mostly to avoid copying/pasting the same lines of code over and over again. Note: it is NOT designed to work in most or all cases.
def printQueryResults(headers, requestData):
response ="/api/v2/report2/runReport",
headers=headers, json=requestData, verify=False)
columns = getColumns(response.json()['dto']['tables'][0]['column_groups'])
data = getData(response.json()['dto']['tables'][0]['row_groups'][0]['rowsNew'])
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = columns)
return df
Support function to extract column names
def getColumns(columnGroups, prevCols = None):
if prevCols is None:
columns = []
columns = prevCols
for group in columnGroups:
if isinstance(group, dict) and 'columns' in group.keys():
getColumns(group['columns'], columns)
elif isinstance(group, dict) and 'label' in group.keys():
elif isinstance(group, list):
getColumns(group, columns)
return columns
Support function to extract data values from JSON
def getData(dataGroups):
data = []
for row in dataGroups:
rowData = []
for field in row['rowEntries']:
return data
Basic Query¶
Below is a basic example of the query object that needs to be sent to the API for it to process and return query results. It is added here to represent the structure of Dataweb query objects, serve as a basis for the previous API examples, and facilitate simple user queries.
Note: user-saved or system queries can be used in lieu of and as a replacement for this query object.
basicQuery = {
"aggregation":"Aggregate District",
"name":"All Districts",
"aggregation":"Aggregate CSC",
"aggregation":"Aggregate RPCODE",
"aggregation":"Aggregate Commodities",
"aggregation":"Aggregate Countries",
"name":"All Countries",