Truck and Bus Tires from China
Available Testimony From Recent Hearings
701-TA-556 and 731-TA-1311 (Final)
January 24, 2017
The Honorable Tim Kaine, United States Senator, VirginiaThe Honorable Charles Schumer, United States Senator, New York
The Honorable Mark Warner, United States Senator, Virginia, (For the record)
Stan Johnson, United Steelworkers
Billy Wright, United Steelworkers Local 1155
Jody Juarez, United Steelworkers Local 307
Thomas O'Shei, United Steelworkers Local 135
Bruce Chamblee, Dorsey Tire Co, Inc.
Bernard Vaughan, The Institute of International Container Lessors, Ltd. ("IICL")
Dan Jackson, TRAC Intermodal
Exhibits, Petitioner's Presentation
Exhibits, Capital Trade Incorporated
Note to Users:
Witnesses are not required to bring copies of their testimony to ITC hearings, but if they do, the ITC makes copies available to the public. PDF versions of available testimony will be posted inthis space as soon as possible on the day of an ITC hearing and will remain here for several days.
Testimony from ITC hearings will be placed in the ITC's public inspection files, which can be viewed through the Commission's Electronic Document Information System (EDIS). Users interested in viewing testimony from earlier ITC hearings that no longer appears here can search for it by investigation in the EDIS system.