List of variables in the ITPD-S Release 1

Variable name  Variable description
exporter_iso3  ISO 3-letter alpha code of the exporter
exporter_dynamic_code  DGD's dynamic country code of the exporter
exporter_name  Name of the exporter
importer_iso3  ISO 3-letter alpha code of the importer
importer_dynamic_code  DGD's dynamic country code of the importer
importer_name  Name of the importer
year  Year
industry_id  ITPD industry code
industry_descr  ITPD industry description
broad_sector  Broad sector
trade  Trade flows in million of current US dollars
flag_mirror  Carried over from ITPD-E. Indicates if trade mirror value is used
flag_zero  Carried over from ITPD-E. Indicates positive, zero, or missing trade
flag_itpds  Indicates the method used to obtain the value of domestic trade (see documentation)