The new was designed to make information easier to find for both frequent visitors to the site and for first-time visitors. The redesigned site features:
- Simpler navigation.
- Link names that are easier to understand by general users.
- Content grouped by topic and centralized (for example, all investigations in one place, all notices in one place, all publications in one place, etc.).
- Explanations for sub-navigation link names and hover-over text that explains the type of content users can expect to find on a given page. (Mouse-over a sub-navigation link, and explanatory text will appear to the right.)
- Mobile-friendly navigation: The new navigation will work on your cell phone or tablet.
While the navigation has changed significantly, no content has been removed from the site.
Our research showed that many users were overwhelmed with the number of choices on our homepage, so we’ve reorganized the content and moved much of it to “nested” sub-pages. But don’t worry – it’s all still here!
- We’re making great use of “hover-over” technology to help you see what is under our “first-level” links, easily and cleanly, with explanatory text written in plain English.
- Content has been initially grouped in to five “first-level” areas, and links to those areas can be found across the top of the screen. They are:
- About
- Investigations
- Commission Notices
- Publications & Reports
- Trade & Tariffs
See below for an idea of what is under each of these “first-level” links.
- We’ve added a new “Site Guide” page to help you find your way and updated our Frequently Asked Questions and Glossary sections. These, along with an easy-to-find Contact Us link, appear in the top-right corner of each page.
- Can’t find content that was located on a sub-page on the old site? Contact us at and we’ll help you find it. Rest assured, all content that was on the previous site was transferred to the new site.
Bottom line: What does it look like?
A picture is worth a thousand words. The images below will give you an idea of our new look and “first-level” navigation. Take a quick tour to see how we’ve reorganized the site!
ABOUT: General information about the USITC, its Commissioners, its Administrative Law Judges, its component offices, and the agency’s strategic plan, budget, and annual performance reporting documents.
INVESTIGATIONS: A central starting point for links to the agency’s main statutory investigations.
COMMISSION NOTICES: A central starting point to find any official notice issued by the Commission.
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS: A central starting point for locating any publication issued by the USITC, as well as staff papers.
TRADE AND TARIFFS: The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, the DataWeb, the Tariff Database, and the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Petition System (MTBPS).