August 8, 2017
News Release 17-114-Cor
Contact: Peg O'Laughlin, 202-205-1819
USITC Delivers Final Report on Miscellaneous Tariff Petitions to Congressional Committees

The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC or Commission) today submitted to Congressional committees a final report on miscellaneous tariff petitions it received under the 2016 American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act (AMCA).

The Commission’s final report and other background information can be found here:  The submission of the final report marks the completion of the first petition cycle required by the law.

In this report, the Commission categorizes petitions as either (a) petitions that meet the requirements of the Act with or without modification (Category I, II, III, or IV petitions), (b) petitions that do not contain the information required by the Act or for which the Commission determined that the petitioner was not a likely beneficiary (Category V petitions), or (c) petitions that the Commission does not recommend for inclusion in a miscellaneous tariff bill (Category VI petitions).

The Commission’s final report provides recommendations on 2,524 petitions.  The largest product categories were chemicals, accounting for 1,464 petitions; machinery and equipment, accounting for 457 petitions; and textiles, apparel and footwear, accounting for 456 petitions.  Of the 2,524 petitions, the Commission assigned 1,827 to Categories I through IV, 54 to Category V, and 643 to Category VI. [Numbers corrected.]

Enacted in May 2016, the AMCA mandates two petition submission cycles, during which petitioners who can demonstrate that they are likely beneficiaries of a suspension or reduction of duties submit petitions to the USITC.  The first cycle began October 15, 2016, and the second will begin by October 15, 2019.  Under the process, once petitions are submitted, the USITC evaluates them and, taking into account information from the Department of Commerce and U.S. Customs and Border Protection, determines whether they meet certain statutory requirements. The USITC submits preliminary and final reports to the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance for their use in developing a miscellaneous tariff bill for Congressional consideration.

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