News Release 17-108
Inv. No(s). 731-TA-1334-1337 (Final)
Contact: Peg O'Laughlin, 202-205-1819
The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that a U.S. industry is materially injured by reason of imports of emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber from Brazil, Korea, Mexico, and Poland that the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value.
Chairman Rhonda K. Schmidtlein and Commissioner Irving A. Williamson voted in the affirmative. Vice Chairman David S. Johanson and Commissioner Meredith M. Broadbent voted in the negative.
As a result of the USITC’s affirmative determinations, Commerce will issue antidumping duty orders on imports of this product from Brazil, Korea, Mexico, and Poland.
The Commission also made a negative finding concerning critical circumstances with regard to imports of this product from Korea. As a result, goods sold at less than fair value that entered the United States from Korea prior to February 24, 2017 (date of Commerce’s affirmative preliminary determination), will not be subject to retroactive antidumping duties.
The Commission’s public report Emulsion Styrene-Butadiene Rubber from Brazil, Korea, Mexico, and Poland (Investigation Nos. 731-TA-1334-1337 (Final), USITC Publication 4717, August 2017) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigations.
The report will be available by September 13, 2017; when available, it may be accessed on the USITC website at:
Washington, DC 20436
Emulsion Styrene-Butadiene Rubber from Brazil, Korea, Mexico, and Poland
Investigation Nos. 731-TA-1334-1337 (Final)
Product Description: Emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber (“ESBR”) is a solid form of synthetic rubber copolymer product of styrene and butadiene with a "normal" level of 23.5 percent styrene. ESBR is produced by a cold aqueous emulsion process at 41-55 degrees Fahrenheit, and finished either as a dry 1500 series, or a 1700 series of oil-modified product grade, each having a crumb-like texture commonly pressed into salable bales of up to about 80 pounds. The 1500 series is categorized by the IISRP trade association as a "neat" or pure form of ESBR, while the 1700 series contains petroleum-based extender oil (some 23 to 30 percent) as a homogenized component of the rubber particle. Some 70 percent of ESBR is typically consumed, e.g., in the downstream manufacture of replacement passenger car and light truck tires and truck tire retread compounds, while miscellaneous applications range from conveyor belts to flooring and shoe soles. The scope excludes the 1000 and 1900 series "hot-process" and "high-Styrene" forms of ESBR rubbers, the 1600 and 1800 "black masterbatches," and latex.
Status of Proceedings:
1. Type of investigation: Final phase antidumping duty investigations.
2. Petitioners: Lion Elastomers, LLC ("Lion"), Port Neches, Texas, and East West Copolymer, LLC ("East West"), Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
3. USITC Institution Date: Thursday, July 21, 2016.
4. USITC Hearing Date: Thursday, June 29, 2017.
5. USITC Vote Date: Thursday, August 03, 2017.
6. USITC Notification to Commerce: Wednesday, August 23, 2017.
U.S. Industry in 2016:
1. Number of U.S. producers: 3.
2. Location of producers’ plants: Louisiana and Texas.
3. Production and related workers: [1]
4. U.S. producers’ U.S. shipments: 1
5. Apparent U.S. consumption: 1
6. Ratio of subject imports to apparent U.S. consumption: 1
U.S. Imports in 2016:
1. Subject imports: 1
2. Nonsubject imports: 1
3. Leading import sources: Brazil, Mexico, Korea, and Germany (in terms of value).
[1] Withheld to avoid disclosure of business proprietary information.