As part of its Centennial celebration, the U.S. International Trade Commission is looking retrospectively to gain valuable lessons from its 100 year history. Later this winter, it will publish A Centennial History of the United States International Trade Commission, which will tell the agency’s story through the eyes of historians and practitioners. Read more about the book here.
But what about the day-to-day stories of the people who have worked at, or with, the Commission over the years? Don’t we want to hear their stories, too? You bet we do as they form an important part of our history!
Personal Anecdotes About the Commission
The Commission invites you to share with us brief tales of your experiences at the USITC. We hope that, taken together, these stories will weave a rich tapestry of first-person narratives that will showcase the heart, energy, drive, and personality of this unique agency through the years.
What were your days like when you worked here? How did you do your work before computers became ubiquitous? Did your knees shake the first time you appeared before the Commission? Did you ever do something completely cool on a field visit? Did you process a huge filing? Come up with a unique way to present your case? Organize a community service activity? Manage the Pac-Man exhibits? Play on the softball team? Run with the Tariffiers, or their arch nemeses? Chase around a rat or two?
These are the stories we want you to tell!
Here are the rules:
- Keep it brief and lively – no more than 300 words.
- Keep it clean – remember, we’re archiving these for posterity.
- Your photos are very welcome, but please ensure anyone in them gives permission for us to use them.
- We reserve the right to edit, but will work with you if we need to do so.
- Stories will be accepted and used at the discretion of the Commission.
- By submitting your stories and photos, you are granting permission for the USITC to use all materials, including your name and your likeness (if provided) for this project, which will be posted with full public access on the agency’s web site and retained for its archives.
Submit your story (and photos) via email to:
Direct any questions to Peg O’Laughlin at 202-205-1819 or
We look forward to hearing from you!