The U.S. International Trade Commission has begun accepting petitions seeking temporary duty suspensions and reductions in accordance with the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016 (AMCA).
Enacted in May 2016, the AMCA allows petitioners who can demonstrate that they are likely beneficiaries of a suspension or reduction of duties to submit petitions to the USITC. The USITC must then evaluate the petitions and determine whether they meet certain statutory requirements. The USITC will ultimately submit preliminary and final reports to the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance for their use in developing a miscellaneous tariff bill for Congressional consideration.
The USITC developed procedures and built a web portal to carry out responsibilities given it by the AMCA. The portal may be accessed here:
Key points petitioners should be aware of:
- Petitioners must file their petitions using the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Petition System (MTBPS) portal on the USITC website. No other method of filing will be accepted.
- Petitioners must file such requests no later than 5:15 p.m. on Monday, December 12, 2016 (60 days after October 14, 2016). No late filings will be accepted.
- Petitioners are strongly advised to visit the USITC website before attempting to file a petition and review the Commission’s Rules, the Handbook on MTB Filing Procedures, and the Before You File guide.
- Petitioners should have all required information at hand before beginning the filing process because the portal system does not allow users to save their work and return to it at a later time.
Petitioners should direct questions about the MTB process to and technical questions regarding the portal to