The following are a list in reverse chronological order of all the instruments that have modified the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). The source of most instruments that modify the HTS have been published in the Federal Register. Other sources may include public laws and changes approved by the Committee for Statistical Annotation of Tariff Schedules (formulated pursuant to section 484(f), Tariff Act of 1930, as amended). Beneath each instrument are tags which filter the entire list based on the categories selected by staff in the Office of Tariff Affairs & Trade Agreements. For a list of definitions for the tags underneath the legal instruments that modify the HTS please visit the Modifications to HTS Glossary page.
Disclaimer: The information on this page is intended to assist users of the HTS. It does not represent the views of the Commission and should not be viewed as legally authoritative. Please consult any cited sources for more help, as well as the informed compliance publications of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. If you have a question regarding anything on this page, please visit the HTS Help contact page.
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