The Committee for the Statistical Annotation of Tariff Schedules, more commonly known as the “484(f) committee,” is an interagency committee made up of representatives from the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Customs or CBP) and the U.S. Census Bureau (Census).

The 484(f) Committee serves the trade data needs of both government and private data users by adding, removing or modifying the non-legal 10-digit statistical reporting numbers in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) and Schedule B (Exports). The Committee can also make changes to the required reporting units of quantity and to statistical notes that provide additional guidance about the information that shippers are asked to provide. These 10-digit statistical reporting numbers have an effective date of five years. After that initial five-year period, a requestor may file a renewal that requests a second five-year period.

You might choose to submit a request to accomplish the following:

  • Add a statistical reporting number to better monitor trade flows for that particular product (view an example)
  • Update a statistical reporting number or unit of quantity to better describe the products being traded (view an example)
  • Remove a statistical reporting number that is no longer needed (view an example)

Requests should be emailed to

The Committee meets twice a year.

For possible consideration at the Spring Meeting, your request must be submitted by March 15. Requested breakouts that are approved at the Spring meeting will become effective on July 1.

For possible consideration at the Fall Meeting, your request must be submitted by July 15. Requested breakouts that are approved at the Fall meeting will become effective on January 1.

The basic elements of a 484(f) request include:

  • The proper tariff classification of each product. The committee cannot alter the classification or duty rates of any products. Here are instructions on how to request a binding classification ruling. The committee cannot alter the classification or duty rates of any products. Here are instructions on how to request a binding classification ruling:
  • The reason for the request.
  • A list of the desired statistical annotation(s) by tariff code, clearly stating if the request is for the HTS, for Schedule B or for both the HTS and Schedule B.
  • A proposed article description, including relevant unit of quantity, for each requested statistical breakout.
  • A product description of each item in the request, based on physical characteristics, key ingredients and specified or accepted standards.
  • An illustration (or photo or schematic) of the good(s) affected by the change.
  • An explanation of how the good(s) affected by the change is (are) used and not used.
  • Names of known importers or exporters.
  • A list of the primary country or countries of origin for the product(s).

View a Sample Request: