This is an overview of the Commission’s hearing protocols for antidumping and countervailing duty (AD/CVD) investigations and section 332 general factfinding investigations.
For further detail please see Hearing Guidelines and USITC’s Rules of Practice and Procedure or the Federal Register notice for each investigation.
Request to Appear/Testify
Any interested person may request to appear either in person or by a representative. You need not be an attorney or be represented by counsel to appear at a hearing.
To appear, you must file a request with the Secretary to serve as a notice of participation. The Secretary will confirm your request and send you the hearing witness list and additional guidance.
Audio Visual
You must use your own laptop for audio visual presentations, if planned.
Wireless internet access is available. For more information go to
Exhibits either for the record or for demonstration should be tagged or marked to show the name of the submitter.
(See Federal Register notice for deadlines.)
Investigation type |
Item to be filed |
Details at |
Prehearing Briefs/Submissions |
General Factfinding |
Notice of Participation |
General Factfinding |
Prehearing Briefs/Submissions |
Confidential Business Information |
General Factfinding |
Confidential Business Information |
You may deliver documents to Dockets Services, room 112-A of the USITC Building between 8:45 am and 5:15 pm. Documents transmitted by mail will be considered filed when they arrive in Dockets Services. Some documents may also be filed via Electronic Document Information System (EDIS). Documents provided to other USITC personnel will not be treated as properly filed. View the Handbook on Filing Procedures.
Persons testifying may present a prepared summary statement, speak from notes, or respond to questions posed by the attorneys. Testimony should be brief, clear, and concise. You may summarize your prehearing brief and/or respond to arguments made by other parties. Additional background information may be submitted in your prehearing brief to become part of the record.
Hearings are usually held in the Main Hearing Room (room 101) in the USITC building at 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436. The USITC is located one block east of the L’Enfant Plaza metro station (use the 7th & D Street exit) on Metro’s blue, orange, green, and yellow lines.
Hearings typically:
- Begin at 9:30 a.m.
- Break for lunch around 1:00 p.m.
- Resume at 2:00 p.m.
- End for the day at 5:00 p.m. The Commissioners, however, may choose to continue into the evening in order to complete a hearing.
There are no reserved seats in the Main Hearing Room except those designated for use by the ITC staff and/or seats for Congressional or Embassy witnesses.
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Hearing Room Seating Information |
Addressing a Commissioner
The most common practice is to address the Commissioner as “Mister” or “Madam” or “Commissioner” as appropriate.
Questioning During the Hearing:
- Each Commissioner is given 10 minutes per round of questioning for as many rounds as necessary.
- Questions from the Commission may also be posed to witnesses in writing following the hearing.
- Witnesses who need to be dismissed early should notify the Secretary.
Transcripts of Commission hearings are available for sale by the reporting firm. Transcripts of confidential sessions are available only to those who are signatories to the administrative protective order issued for the investigation.
Parties are welcome to submit transcript corrections by the deadline date outlined by the presiding official at the hearing. Transcript corrections are approved by the Secretary
(See Federal Register notice for deadlines.)
Items to be filed |
Details at |
Posthearing Brief/Submissions |
General Factfinding |
Posthearing Briefs/Submissions |
Please call the Secretary's office at 202.205.2000 with further questions or additional guidance, or consult the Commission's Rules (PDF).