USMCA Automotive Rules of Origin: Economic Impact and Operation, 2025
(Investigation No. 332-600)
Click the following link to access the questionnaire:
USMCA Automotive Rules of Origin
Completing the questionnaire
The only way to answer this questionnaire is to use the interactive version that is available at the link above.
You can access the survey using the 10-digit identification number that was in the notification letter that was sent to your business. Please keep your individualized survey token accessible. Your progress will be saved automatically, and you can leave the site and come back as many times as needed.
If you would like to see the entire questionnaire, you can download a PDF version of the questionnaire [PDF, 42 pages]. The PDF version is for informational purposes only; the Commission is able to receive responses only via online submission through the link above.
Background information
This investigation is being conducted in accordance with section 202A(g)(2) of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 4532(g)(2)) (USMCA Implementation Act). Results from the survey will provide the Commission information on the USMCA automotive rules of origin (ROOs) and their impact on the U.S. economy and automotive industry, effect on U.S. competitiveness, and relevancy in light of technological changes. The information requested by the survey is for use by the Commission in connection with Investigation No. 332-600, USMCA Automotive Rules of Origin: Economic Impact and Operation, 2025 Report, and potential use in the three subsequent reports required by the USMCA Implementation Act. The Commission will deliver its report to the President, the House Committee on Ways and Means, and the Senate Committee on Finance by July 1, 2025. The 2025 report will be the second of five reports.
The Commission has designated the information you provide in response to this questionnaire as “confidential business information,” unless such information is otherwise available to the public. The Commission may aggregate the information you provide with information from other questionnaire responses. The Commission will not publish information obtained from your questionnaire or an aggregation of your and other questionnaire responses in a manner that would identify your firm or reveal the operations of your firm. Section 332(g) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1332(g)) provides that the Commission may not release information which it considers to be confidential business information unless the party submitting such information had notice, at the time of submission, that such information would be released by the Commission, or such party subsequently consents to the release of the information.
Additional Information and Assistance
For more information about these reports and the investigations for which they are being prepared (No. 332-600), please visit the Ongoing Investigations page.
If you need any assistance with the questionnaire, please contact one of our project team members. The project team can be reached by email at or Aaron Woodward by phone at 202-205-2663.
More information about the U.S. International Trade Commission can be found by visiting
USMCA Automotive Rules of Origin: Economic Impact and Operation Frequently Asked Questions
Read more about the survey and the Commission on the Frequently Asked Questions page.