Notice: APO forms were updated. Kindly ensure you are using the correct version of the form when filing in EDIS.
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
- Administrative Protective Order
- Application for Disclosure of Business Proprietary Information Under Administrative Protective Order
- Administrative Protective Order
- Application for Disclosure of Business Proprietary Information Under Administrative Protective Order
- Administrative Protective Order Acknowledgement for Clerical Personnel
- NAFTA and USMCA APO Form A for Secretaries of the Secretariat and their Staff
- NAFTA and USMCA APO Form B for Panelists, Extraordinary Challenge Committe Members, and Assistants
- NAFTA and USMCA APO Form C for Counsel and Professionals
- NAFTA and USMCA APO Form C Acknowledgement for Clerical Personnel
- NAFTA and USMCA APO Form D for Designated Officers and Employees of the Canadian, Mexican or United States Government
- NAFTA and USMCA APO Form E for Contractor Personnel
APO Handbook
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)