The U.S. International Trade Commission announces the release of
The Year in Trade 2013
USITC Publication 4481
Complementing the release of the Year in Trade 2013 report, the USITC has developed a series of custom-built MS Excel-based dashboards that present select U.S. merchandise trade data used in the report in an interactive format for readers. The tables and charts presented in these dashboards do not correspond one-to-one to specific tables or charts presented in the report. Rather, they complement the report's tables by presenting the same data in a series of interactive tables and associated charts in a manner intended to quickly give additional analytical insights into the reported data. The dashboards fall into four broad groups:
Special import program dashboards. These dashboards present data on special import programs (e.g., AGOA, GSP, FTAs) at the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) level of detail. These dashboards expand on data presented in chapters 2 and 4 of the report.
Major trading partners dashboard. This dashboard presents imports and exports classified by major trading partners at the 6-digit HTS level of detail. This dashboard expands on data presented in chapter 5 and appendix A of the report.
Sector dashboards. These dashboards present imports and exports classified by all trading partners at the sector level of detail. These dashboards expand on data presented in chapters 1 and 5 and appendix A of the report.
TPP dashboard. This dashboard presents import data from U.S. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiation partner countries with 6-digit HTS level detail and select information relating to duty rate provisions. This dashboard expands on data presented in chapter 4 of the report.
Technical notes
Generally, these dashboards present more detail and provide access to longer periods of data than can be reasonably presented in the Year in Trade report itself. While the Year in Trade reports have historically presented just three years of time series data for most U.S. merchandise trade tables, many of these dashboards include data spanning 15 years or more. All data presented in these dashboards relate to U.S. imports for consumption and U.S. domestic exports, as do those used to discuss U.S. merchandise trade in the current and past editions of the Year in Trade. All data included in these dashboards are official U.S. import statistics as initially reported by the Census Bureau (Census) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Data in these dashboards do not contain any revisions Census has made to official merchandise trade statistics after their initial publication. Finally, data in these dashboards may also not perfectly match the current or past editions of the Year in Trade given that the USITC made occasional adjustments to the Census source data before publishing those data in a given edition of the report. Instances of USITC adjustments to Census source data in the Year in Trade reports are generally footnoted in the applicable table(s).
Note.--Users must have macros enabled in their version of MS Excel prior to opening these files in order to allow the dashboards to function as intended. When downloading these files, please select "save to folder" as opposed to "open with" because users will be unable to use the application's "save" or "save as" feature when the dashboards are open and functioning as intended (i.e., macros are enabled).