February 25, 2020
News Release 20-018
Inv. No(s). 701-TA-616-617 and 731-TA-1432-1434 (Final)
Contact: Peg O'Laughlin, 202-205-1819
Fabricated Structural Steel from Canada, China, and Mexico Does Not Injure U.S. Industry, Says USITC

The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that a U.S. industry is not materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of fabricated structural steel from Canada, China, and Mexico that the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value and subsidized by the governments of China and Mexico.

Chairman David S. Johanson and Commissioners Jason E. Kearns and Randolph J. Stayin voted in the negative. Commissioners Rhonda K. Schmidtlein and Amy A. Karpel voted in the affirmative.

As a result of the Commission’s negative determinations, no antidumping or countervailing duties will be imposed on imports from Canada, China, or Mexico.

The Commission’s public report Fabricated Structural Steel from Canada, China, and Mexico (Inv. Nos. 701-TA-616-617 and 731-TA-1432-1434 (Final), USITC Publication 5031, March 2020) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigation.

The report will be available by April 6, 2020; when available, it may be accessed on the USITC website at: http://pubapps.usitc.gov/applications/publogs/qry_publication_loglist.asp.

Washington, DC 20436


Fabricated Structural Steel from Canada, China, and Mexico
Investigation Nos. 701-TA-616-617 and 731-TA-1432-1434 (Final)

Product Description:  Fabricated structural steel (FSS) products are fabricated from steel mill products for erection or assembly into structures, including, but not limited to, commercial buildings (commercial, office, institutional, and multifamily residential); industrial and utility projects; parking decks; arenas and convention centers; medical facilities; and ports, transportation, and infrastructure facilities. FSS products, whether assembled or partially assembled, may include fasteners and may be painted or coated.

Status of Proceedings:

1.   Type of investigation:  Final phase antidumping duty and countervailing duty investigations.
2.   Petitioners:  American Institute of Steel Construction Full Member Subgroup, Chicago, IL.
3.   USITC Institution Date:  Monday, February 4, 2019.
4.   USITC Hearing Date:  Tuesday, January 28, 2020.
5.   USITC Vote Date:  Tuesday, February 25, 2020.
6.   USITC Notification to Commerce Date:  Monday, March 16, 2020.

U.S. Industry in 2018:

1.   Number of U.S. producers:  More than one hundred.
2.   Location of producers’ plants:  Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
3.   Production and related workers:  20,577.
4.   U.S. producers’ U.S. shipments:  $6.4 billion.
5.   Apparent U.S. consumption:  $9.0 billion.
6.   Ratio of subject imports to apparent U.S. consumption:  20.4 percent.

U.S. Shipments of Imports in 2018:

1.   Subject imports:  $1.8 billion.
2.   Nonsubject imports:  $784.4 million.
3.   Leading import sources:  China, Canada, and Mexico.

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