EDIS users, mark your calendars!  On August 9, version 3.11 of EDIS will go live with enhancements to begin electronic service of Commission-issued public documents, such as public versions of IDs, Orders, Notices, and Opinions, in section 337 investigations and a new search capability.

EDIS 3.11 will include enhancements for both practitioners and public users.  As part of the update some practitioners will be required to take some additional actions.  Read on to learn more about what is coming and how to prepare:


New Features and Benefits:

  • The filing process for a new 337 complaint has been modified to include capturing the information about the complainant and respondents identified in the complaint.
  • The filing process for a Notice of Appearance document has been updated to include selection of the participants the filer will be representing as Lead Counsel or Representative.
  • A Service Inbox will be available for users identified as Representatives in the Certificate of Service to easily access documents which have been served electronically to their EDIS account.
  • Users can specify a secondary email address associated with their user account, allowing for broader notification of service and filing within the user’s organization.
  • The Public Service List will be automatically generated, allowing for real-time access to the latest updates for the parties and their representatives.
  • The Certificate of Service for a document will be automatically generated when it is served, allowing for more efficient service processing.

What you need to do: 

  • When filing a new complaint under section 337, prepare to enter the identifying information about the complainants and respondents listed in the complaint as part of the document filing process.
  • Lead Counsel or Representatives for existing investigations will be required to verify that their individual user ID is active and that all contact information is current. The email addresses associated with this account will receive the official electronic notice of service. Case Managers will reach out to you to confirm your user ID. Please respond promptly! 
  • Any newly designated lead counsel or representative will be required to file a Notice of Appearance with their individual EDIS user account – this will “tie” the designation to the lead counsel/representative’s EDIS account to enable future electronic service of public documents to those individuals. 
  • Lead counsel/representatives need to review and update (as necessary) their email and can add a secondary email to ensure timely notifications for e-service.

Please take time to review the new Guidance Documents on the EDIS Support webpage for detailed information and procedures related to these new features.


New Features and Benefits: 

  • “Query Builder” – this new search capability allows users to build more complex queries by selecting from a list of available metadata fields, inputting search criteria, and combining them using logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT.   Users can save and name queries for future use.
  • Easier investigation selection when filing a document – only enter the last digits of the investigation number to select from a pop-up list of matching investigations.  Once you enter the last digits of the investigation number, the system will provide you with full investigation numbers to review – you just click on the right investigation and move on (i.e., for 337-TA-1234, just enter 1234, then click on the full investigation number from the options generated). 

What you need to do:  Nothing!  The new search capabilities will be available under the Search dropdown menu on August 9.  Log in, explore, and start building your queries! 


New Guidance Documents developed by USITC staff are available 24/7 on the EDIS Support webpage to help users learn about and use these exciting new enhancements. 

If you don’t see what you are looking for, the EDIS Help Desk team is primed and ready to assist!  Contact them at EDIS3Help@usitc.gov.