On September 8, 2016, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) celebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding.
To commemorate the Centennial, the USITC is producing a book that explores the history of the agency and places its work in the context of the evolution of U.S. trade policies and the global trading system. A Centennial History of the United States International Trade Commission will be published this winter.
The USITC has played an important role in how the United States has dealt with tariffs, trade agreements and foreign unfair trade practices over the past 100 years. The book will be a scholarly resource that is useful to anyone seeking to understand the history of U.S. tariff and trade policies, the history of the agency and the evolution of the U.S. statutes regarding trade.
In the mid-1970s the USITC published Two Centuries of Tariffs, The Background and Emergence of the United States International Trade Commission, by Professor John M. Dobson. That book, which served as a contribution to the country’s Bicentennial Celebration, comprised a history of U.S. tariffs and a summary of the agency’s history from 1916 to 1976.
Much has happened since the mid-1970s. This new work will provide an expanded and up-to-date history of the USITC covering the full century since 1916. The book will discuss in detail the deliberations leading to the creation of the agency’s predecessor, the U.S. Tariff Commission, in that year. It will also chronicle how the agency has carried out its varied statutory responsibilities since then, including tariff activities, import injury proceedings, intellectual property-related proceedings, and industry and economic analysis. The Centennial History highlights the role of the USITC as an objective, nonpartisan, and expert agency that supports the Executive Branch and the Congress in the formulation of U.S. policies on international trade policy of the United States and as an agency that administers U.S. laws regarding certain foreign unfair trade practices. The project draws upon the expertise of academics, former Commissioners and staff, and experienced practitioners, who have collaborated on writing and reviewing the book’s chapters.
On September 8, 2016, the 100th anniversary of its creation, the USITC held a day-long conference. The conference featured contributors to the book and keynote speakers from all three branches of government. Videos and transcripts of the conference are being produced and will be posted on the USITC website when available.
The book will be made available for free on the USITC web site.