
The Office of Operations directs the investigative, research, and nomenclature work of the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) and ensures the timeliness, quality, objectivity, and efficiency of the Commission's product as it relates to substantive, technical, and business process matters. The office leads the Performance Management and Strategic Planning Committee and agency-wide strategic planning, performance improvement, and enterprise risk management programs.

The Director of Operations is the USITC’s Chief Operating Officer (COO). The Associate Director of Operations is the USITC’s Performance Improvement Officer (PIO).


A. Directs –

1. The work of USITC offices within Operations in collecting information, conducting research, and preparing memoranda, reports, and other materials relating to USITC investigations and other analytical products.

2. Office of Operations’ activities related to strategic planning, enterprise risk management, business process management, budget formulation and execution, and staffing.

B. Leads –

1. Strategic planning, enterprise risk management, and performance management and implementation of related Executive Orders and Office of Management and Budget memoranda or circulars for the USITC. Also represents the USITC on related interagency committees or groups.

2. The Performance Management and Strategic Planning Committee.

C. Oversees –

1. Antidumping duty, countervailing duty, and safeguard investigations, as directed by the Commission.

2. Section 332 of the Tariff Act of 1930, Section 1205 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, and other statutory investigations as directed by the Commission, except as provided in item 6 below. Also oversees other assistance provided by subordinate offices in response to requests from Congress, the President, and the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR).

3. Publication of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and the USITC’s technical contributions to the Harmonized System Committee under the World Customs Organization.

4. Staff research and written products with regard to recent trade, economic, and industry trends and developments, as appropriate, in addition to those described above.

5. As appropriate, the Office of Unfair Import Investigations, but does not provide direction with regard to litigation and investigative activity pertaining to Section 337 investigations.

6. Library, editorial, and statistical services.