Office of the Chief Financial Officer

The responsibility and authority for promulgating financial policies resides with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

The CFO reports directly to the Chairman on all financial matters. The CFO’s responsibilities include the following:

  • Develop the Commission’s budget for financial management operations and improvements.
  • Manage the Commission’s budget formulation, submission, and execution process.
  • Manage the Commission’s acquisition, accounting, and financial reporting process.
  • Manage and provide policy guidance and oversight of all agency financial management personnel, activities, and operations.
  • Oversee the recruitment, selection, and training of personnel that carry out agency financial management functions.
  • Approve all financial management systems design and enhancement projects.
  • Oversee the Commission’s shared service provider(s) to ensure accurate and compliant financial information.
Budget Justification/Performance Plans

Agency Planning, Budget and Financial Reports
USITC’s Strategic Plan, Budget, and Performance Reports