Trade Shifts Home Page
Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade, 2022
Investigation No. 332-597
Publication 5444 (June 2023)
Welcome to Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade, 2022 (also called Trade Shifts 2022), published by the U.S. International Trade Commission (Commission or USITC). Previous Trade Shifts reports included both data tables and figures as well as a narrative discussion of the data. Starting this year, Trade Shifts is switching to an online format featuring only data tables and figures.
Part I provides data pertaining to significant trends in merchandise trade by industry sector and partner country, and Part II provides data for ten U.S. industry sectors[1] covering 92 percent of U.S. total trade.[2] Data for two additional merchandise sectors—miscellaneous manufactures and special provisions—are also included in some tables.
Note that this data presentation uses data on three broad categories of trade: “total exports,” “domestic exports,” and “general imports.”[3] Unless otherwise noted, the export data used in these tables are for domestic exports; some tables also include data on re-exports.[4] The import data used in the tables are for general imports.
As in previous years, this data presentation features a web-based format that optimizes the use of interactive figures and tables as well as a downloadable companion dataset that covers U.S. merchandise trade from 2018 to 2022.
Part I: Data pertaining to U.S. Trade by Industry Sector and Selected Trading Partners
Part II: Data pertaining to trade for the following 10 industry sectors:
- Agricultural Products
- Chemicals and Related Products
- Electronic Products
- Energy-related Products
- Footwear
- Forest Products
- Machinery
- Minerals and Metals
- Textiles and Apparel
- Transportation Equipment
Each section includes data tables and interactive graphics.
These interactive data tables and figures were created by:
Project Leader
Eric Forden
Deputy Project Leader
Allison Utomi
Supervisory Division Chief
Robert Carr
Editorial Reviewers
Judy Edelhoff and Brian Rose
Statistical Support and Review
Duncan Russell, Maureen Letostak, and Conor Hargrove
Web Team
Christian Fluitt, Joel Lehman, Darren Lomis, Joel Moeller, Cameron Richardson, and Jason Yankus
Production Support
Gwenetta Duvall, Alissa Tafti, and Maureen Letostak
Under the direction of
Martha Lawless, Acting Director, Office of Industry and Competitiveness Analysis
Media Contact
Jennifer Andberg
Director, Office of External Relations
[1] Industry sectors are further divided into digests. Each USITC sector digest encompasses various 8-digit subheadings in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS). The USITC maintains and publishes the HTS which sets out the tariff rates and statistical categories for all merchandise imported into the United States. The U. S. Census Bureau (Census) collects and compiles export statistics of approximately 8,000 commodity classifications (10-digit classification codes) in Schedule B: Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United States. Schedule B classification codes are concorded to HTS 10-digit statistical reporting numbers based on USITC estimates; therefore, the classification codes for exports are presented using HTS 8-digit subheadings for imports. For a complete list of HTS subheadings classified in a particular sector or digest, see this data table.
[2] U.S. total trade is the sum of U.S. general imports and U.S. total exports.
[3] For more information on trade terminology, please refer to USITC, “Special Topic: Trade Metrics”, Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade, 2014.
[4] Re-exports, also known as foreign exports, are calculated as total exports minus domestic exports. Exports of foreign goods (re-exports) consist of commodities of foreign origin that (1) have previously been admitted to a U.S. foreign-trade zone or entered the United States customs territory for consumption, including via entry into a U.S. Customs and Border Protection bonded warehouse, and (2) at the time of exportation, are in substantially the same condition as when imported.