Attention DataWeb users! The USITC is upgrading the DataWeb website and making it available in beta test mode. We would welcome your feedback!

The new DataWeb will be a brand new website.

On the “outside,” you’ll see a more modern interface, with a streamlined presentation and more user-friendly navigation. The new DataWeb also will be mobile-friendly.

On the “inside,” we’ve completely re-engineered the DataWeb to make it more modern, agile, and ready for future improvements. 

Test drive the new Trade Data Request Tool. 

The trade data “query tool” has been completely overhauled (and renamed), and this is where we welcome your help.  We have launched a beta version of the new DataWeb “data request” tool, and we invite you to go in and play.  Run some queries.  Make them complicated.  Build some commodity/country lists.  Save some searches.  Recreate the queries you use regularly and have saved in the current DataWeb.  Challenge the new system with all you’ve got.

Then let us know what you found.  How it worked.  Where it failed.  What was intuitive?  What wasn’t?  What was your general experience like?  Does the system need some tweaks?  Please tell us.  We want to know what you think.

The beta version will be available until early September, at which time it will replace the “old” legacy DataWeb, which will be decommissioned.  Note that only the trade data request tool is available for testing at this time, but you’ll soon see other features of the new DataWeb come online as they are ready.

Here are a few things you will need to know:

  • You will need to create a new user ID and password.  The new DataWeb has been entirely rebuilt, so your old ones cannot be migrated automatically.

  • You will need to re-create any saved queries, commodity lists, country lists, etc.  Again, because the system has been entirely rebuilt, none of your saved information can be migrated automatically.

  • Anything you create/recreate in the new DataWeb’s beta test phase WILL transfer to the new DataWeb, if you’d like.  You won’t be wasting your time -- when you create your new sign-in credentials and create or recreate saved queries and lists during the beta testing phase, these can be saved in the new system and WILL transfer when the new DataWeb is officially launched.

  • The current DataWeb will remain available and fully functional until the new DataWeb is completely finished and launched.

So have at it, DataWeb community! We look forward to your feedback and thank you for your time!


Have feedback or a question?  Submit it here(link sends email).

ACCESS the beta version of the new DataWeb query tool here: