- U.S. exports increased by 1.4 percent annually to $45.5 billion in 2015
- U.S. imports increased by 3.0 percent annually to $61.6 billion in 2015
The United States has consistently reported a trade deficit in distribution services, which increased during 2011–2015 as imports grew faster than exports. The trade deficit widened from $11.6 billion in 2011 to $16.0 billion in 2015. The deficit in distribution services largely reflects the U.S. deficit in manufactured goods trade and the way in which U.S. imports of freight transportation services are measured. U.S. exports of distribution services rose by $2.5 billion during 2011–2015, while U.S. imports increased by $6.9 billion. The European Union (EU), Japan, and Canada represent both the largest markets for U.S. distribution services exports and the largest suppliers of U.S. imports. For more information on U.S. trade in services, see chapter 1 of Recent Trends in U.S. Services Trade: 2017 Annual Report..