The International Economic Review (IER) is a bimonthly staff publication of the Office of Economics. The opinions and conclusions contained in the reviews are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission or of any individual Commissioner. The IER articles are intended to keep the Commission informed about significant developments in international economics and trade and to provide technical information and advice on international trade matters to policy makers.
2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 |
1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 |
- International Trade Developments: Energy Use in China: Trends in Oil Demand and Imports; The Expanded Andean Trade Preferences Act and a U.S. Free Trade Agreement With its Beneficiaries
- International Trade Developments: Trade Under AGOA Continues to Expand; WTO Trade Negotiations Pause after Cancun; Mexican Farmers Against U.S. Imports: An Update
- International Trade Developments: U.S.-Japan Trade: Trends and Negotiations; USITC Releases Report on the Impact of CBERA in 2001-2002; United States Trade With Mercosur; Implementation of ATPDEA Changes Composition of Imports Under ATPA in 2003
- International Trade Developments: The Effects of "Fast-Track" Trade Agreements on the U.S. Economy; Trade Openness, the Rule of Law and Economic Performance: Is There a Link? ; An Atypical Year in the History of U.S. Imports under the Andean Trade Preference Act
- International Trade Developments: Mexican Farmers Demand Protection Against Imports of U.S. Agricultural Products
- International Trade Developments: Key Methods for Quantifying the Effects of Trade Liberalization
- International Trade Developments: The Andean Trade Preference Act: An Update; Trade in Biotechnology Food Products
- International Trade Developments: USITC Nontariff Measures Database: Overview and Preliminary Findings; Challenges Facing the Caribbean Region in the Era of Globalization, and the U.S.-Caribbean Trade Relationship
- International Trade Developments: Import Restraints: Special Focus on Labor Transitions
- International Trade Developments: A Decomposition of North American Trade Growth Since NAFTA; Closer Integration Between Canada and the United States
- International Trade Developments: Mexican Trucks Gain Access to U.S. Highways; The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership; A WTO Agreement on Competition Policy: Prospects and Pitfalls
- International Trade Developments: Deregulation in Japan: Status and Benefits; U.S.-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement Takes Effect, Heralding Lower Duties for Imports from Vietnam; New Trade and Investment Framework Agreement Between the United States and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa; USITC Reports that CBERA Imports Will Likely Increase
- International Trade Developments: Preferential Trade Agreements and the Multilateral Trading System; ASEAN Free-Trade Area Discussions on Including China, Japan, and South Korea
- International Trade Developments: Lumber in North America: "The Calm Before the Storm?; The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on the U.S. Economy; Mexican Sugar and U.S. Sweeteners
- International Trade Developments: Measuring the Link Between Trade and Environments: An Application to North American Fisheries; Preferential Trade Agreements: Trade Diversion and Other Worries
- International Trade Developments: Assessing the Desirability of a Free-Trade Area in Southern Africa; Russia's WTO Accession: Many Hurdles Remain; Renewal and Expansion of ATPA Could Enhance Effectiveness of the Program
- International Trade Developments: Analysis of Japan's Recent Foreign Investment Trends; Why is the U.S. Trade Deficit with China so Big?; The Return of Dependency Theory?
- International Trade Developments: U.S. Trade Measures and the Caribean Export Profile; United States Trade with South Asia; AGOA Forum: So Far... Where Now?; EU Enlargement-An Overview
- International Trade Developments: United States-Japan Agreement on Telecommunications Access Fees to Reduce Costs and Likely Increase Competition; Measuring the Impact of Freer Trade on the Environment
- International Trade Developments: NAFTA: An Optimal Currency Area?; Interpreting "Home Bias" in U.S.-Canada Trade; WTO Agriculture and Services Negotiations Proceed After Seattle Conference Suspended
- International Trade Developments: Six More Countries to Start Enlargement Negotiations with the European Union; United States Eases Sanctions on North Korea; Delayed Implementation of NAFTA Provision to Open U.S. Roads to Mexican Trucks; China Reaches a WTO Agreement with the United States
- International Trade Developments: European Union and Mexico Conclude Free Trade Agreement; The U.S. Dwarfs the EU in Mexican Trade and Investment; Dollarization: A Primer; Vietnam: Its Changing Trade and Investment Regime; Impact of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act Declines
- International Trade Developments: U.S. Trade with Beneficiaries of the Andean Trade Preference Act; New EU Agreements with African Countries Liberalize Two-way Trade; Rising U.S. Wage Inequality: Is International Trade the Cause?
- International Trade Developments: WTO Trade Negotiation Proposals Tabled; Japan's Financial Assistance to Asia; U.S. Trade With the Gulf Cooperation Council States; The Macao Handover Coming, and NAFTA Accelerated Tariff Eliminations
- International Trade Developments: European Union Hormone Ban: WTO Authorizes U.S. Retaliation; India: Recent Economic Developments; Mexico: Recent Economic Performance and Economic Outlook; Trade Disputes: Canadian Conference Examines the Role of the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism; Preparations for Future WTO Trade Negotiations; Update on the U.S.-EU Third Generation Mobile Phone Technology Debate
- International Trade Developments: European Union Gains Single Currency, Plans Expansion, and Pursues Free Trade with Mexico, Mercosur, and South Africa; Update on U.S.-EU Trade Issues; The U.S.-EU Third Generation Mobile Phone Technology Debate: Who’s Calling the Shots on Standards?
- International Trade Developments: Articles on Russia's WTO Application Advances; The Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis on Other Economies; Summary of U.S. Economic Conditions; U.S. Productivity and Costs; and U.S. International Transactions (Current Account). Also, this issue includes a special focus article on world direct investment in 1996.
- International Trade Developments: Free Trade Area of the Americas Negotiations Launched; In 1997, Mexico Outranked Japan for the First Time as the Second-Largest U.S. Export Market
- International Trade Developments: Cultural Protectionism and the Multilateral Agreement on Investment; USITC – The Year in Trade 1997
- International Economic Comparisons: Summary of U.S. Economic Conditions; U.S. Economic Performance Relative to Other Group of Seven (G-7) Members; Revised estimates U.S. International Transactions, 1986-97; Forecasts
- International Trade Developments: Dispute Continues over Access of Mexican Sugar to the United States and U.S. Access of High Fructose Corn Syrup to Mexico; United States-European Union: Banana Split
- International Trade Developments: United States-Japanese Film Dispute Entering New Phase; United States and China Renew Bilateral Textile Agreement; EU Launches A New Market Access Strategy; Mexico Emerges From the Depression Aftermath of the Peso Crisis; A Closer Look at Mercosur
- International Trade Developments: U.S. Trade with Mexico during the Third NAFTA Year; Regulatory Reform Work in the OECD; NAFTA Commission Meets Amidst Debate Over Accord’s Expansion; GATS Negotiations on the Liberalization of Financial Services
- International Trade Developments: Articles on international trade developments (Russia's application to WTO, update on U.S. issues with the European Union, Canada-Chile Free-Trade Agreement, EU-NAFTA Trade, and the USITC's Year in Trade 1996); Country and Regional Developments; International Economic Comparisons; and U.S. Trade Developments.
- International Economic Comparisons; U.S. International Investment Position; U.S. Trade Developments
- International Trade Development: NAFTA and U.S. Imports from the Caribbean Basin; Retail Distribution in Japan
- International Trade Developments: U.S. Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa; Does Cutting Trade Barriers Cause More Rapid Economic Growth?; 1995 Termination of GATT Antidumping and Subsidies Codes
- International Trade Developments: NAFTA Panel Report on Agricultural Dispute Released; Mexico Still to Face a Large Foreign Debt and Costly Debt Ceiling
- International Trade Developments: NAFTA Panel Report on Agricultural Dispute Released; Mexico Still to Face A Large Foreign Debt and Costly Debt Servicing
- International Trade Developments: The General Agreement on Trade in Services: An Analysis of Commitments; The Maquiladora Industry Thrives Since the Peso’s Devaluation; Trans-Atlantic Marketplace “Under Construction”, ITC Releases Report on U.S. Sub-Saharan Africa Trade
- International Trade Developments: The U.S. registers a large deficit in trade with Mexico during the second NAFTA year
- International Trade Developments: U.S. and Japan Reach Another Agreement on Semiconductors; Update on Chinese Enforcement of IPR; USITC: The Year in Trade 1995
- International Trade Developments: U.S. Trade Deficit with China: Statistical Quirks; EU to Resume Information Technology Negotiations; WTO Singapore Ministerial Conference; Chile-MERCOSUR Union Creates Enlarged South American Free-Trade Area
- International Economic Comparisons; U.S. Trade Developments; Statistical Tables – December 1995/January 1996
- International Trade Developments: G-3 Agreement Closer to Reality; U.S. Opens New Investigation of Korea’s Beef and Pork Market; APEC Sets Goal of Free Trade and Investment
- International Trade Developments: Financial Crisis in Mexico; U.S. Firms May Help Rebuild in Aftermath of Japanese Earthquake; The Latin American Market: Investment, Trade Opportunities, and Finance
- International Trade Developments: During the First NAFTA Year, U.S.-Mexican Bilateral Trade Was Virtually in Balance; U.S.-Japan Reach Financial Services Agreement
- International Trade Developments: The Peso Crisis Revisited; Update on U.S.-Korean Trade Disputes; Much-Awaited Japanese Deregulation Plan Now Released
- International Trade Developments: Cuba’s Economic Liberalization; NAFTA’s First Year: Commerce Grows and Institutions Take Shape, But Numerous Technical Problems Arise
- International Trade Developments: Trans-Atlantic Ties to be Strengthened; MERCOSUR Averts Auto Collison; Mexico Raises Duties On Imports From Nonpartner Countries; Queue for EU Membership Continues to Lengthen; USTR Initiates Section 301 Action Against Fuji Photo Film
- International Trade Developments: Action Agenda for APEC Liberalization Under Development; New Zealand in the Trade and Labor Debate; U.S. Korean Settlement of Disputes on Meat and Steel Trade; USITC The Year in Trade 1994
- International Trade Developments: Free Trade Area for the Americas: Chile is Linchpin; Japan’s Trade with Asia Up as Surplus Declines; Trade with Vietnam Off to a Healthy Start; India: Implementing Economic Reforms When Federal and State Interests Diverge; Cooperation Among International Economic Institutions
- International Trade Developments: South Korea to allow rice imports; The Miami Conference: Brainstorming about the Caribbean Basin; Virtual hemispheric free trade: What Mexico (and Chile) bring to NAFTA
- International Trade Developments: Resolving the U.S.-China textile dispute; Mexico’s long-awaited new foreign investment law
- International Trade Developments: Mexico joins NAFTA with a sluggish economy; Economic reform and integration in Latin America; Tariffication or duty-free?
- International Trade Developments: Export controls: The age of uncertainty; Korea simplifies foreign investment approval process; The European Union anticipates four new members
- International Trade Developments: U.S. trade surplus with Mexico shrinks in 1993; U.S. and EU sign Government Procurement Agreement; Taiwan to face wildlife trade sanctions; Update on China’s bid for GATT membership; North American beer issue finally resolved?; Banana deal splits EU and widens rift with Latin America
- International Trade Developments: International trade liberalization versus internal barriers: A Canadian paradox; Slow progress on Taiwan’s GATT application; USITC releases The Year in Trade 1993 report
- International Trade Developments: Genuine progress is made at EU summit despite bitter dispute over a new Commission President; Shock therapy in French-speaking Africa promises success
- International Trade Developments: U.S. trade with post-communist Central Europe: Half-year results and outlook; Caribbean countries to ponder economic cooperation strategies
- International Trade Developments: First USITC report on Andean trade preferences released; Mexico’s maquiladoras will be transformed by NAFTA; Barter and countertrade on the rise again; U.S. seeks to crack open the auto market in Korea
- International Trade Developments: Brazilian President-elect to face challenges and opportunities; Chile’s trade agreements with Latin American partners
- International Trade Developments: United States Adds New Dimension to EU Banana Debate; USITC Reports on Effects of the Arab League Boycott
- International Trade Developments: Mexican economic policy continues on beaten path; Achievements and prospects in U.S. economic relations with Central and Eastern Europe; Dispute settlement under the NAFTA
- International Trade Developments: Central European countries conclude free-trade agreement; “Open for business” or “Business as usual?”; Uruguay Round meetings sputter
- International Trade Developments: North American steel conflict: Are the United States and Canada dumping on each other?; Mexico gears up to attain competitiveness and consumer protections; China reports big annual gains in foreign investment and trade ; Major economic policy decisions face the Government of Japan; Debate on Japan’s rice policy takes on a new urgency
- International Trade Developments: EC plans for enlargement; Mexico’s historic agrarian reform now in progress; U.S. Congress to weigh NAFTA parity for Caribbean Basin; U.S.-Canada Trade Commission meets; The Chinese economic merger: A family reunion?; Central and East Europe’s oil and gas imports from former Soviet republics: Concerns and hopes
- International Trade Developments: Data on trade with the Czech and Slovak Republics are available, but beware!; President Salinas reaffirms Mexico’s petroleum policy; GATT membership continues to elude China; Barriers to trade: A growth industry?; The EC Commission negotiates towards a new agreement with Russia; USTR lists “special 301” countries – promises swift action
- International Trade Developments: U.S. trade surplus with Mexico tripled in 1992; Will Presidential impeachment reverse Venezuela’s economic gains?
- International Trade Developments: Generalized System of Preferences resuscitated; Market-access agreement revitalizes Uruguay Round; U.S. imports form the Caribbean Basin continue to increase; Korea widens access for foreign beef; Austria: First in line to join the EC?; Central European Free Trade Agreement starts smoothly
- International Trade Developments: United States and Japan reach framework agreement; Economic relations between South Korea and China expand
- International Trade Developments: United States imposes sanctions on China and Pakistan; Castro’s latest reform: Dollars legal in Cuba; U.S. trade with the countries of the Central European Free Trade Agreement expands
- International Trade Developments: U.S. Government and business continue to develop ties with republics of former Yugoslavia; Mexican Congress passes a series of economic reforms
- International Trade Developments: Mexico Attains its Goal of Single-Digit Inflation; Virtual Hemispheric Free Trade: What Mexico (and Chile) Bring to NAFTA
- International Trade Developments: The Commonwealth of Independent States and its business partners face a difficult period of transition; Update on U.S. trade relations with China; Draft text of Uruguay Round Agreement; Economic reforms in Argentina; Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland increase economic cooperation, contemplate free trade
- International Trade Developments: GATT trade panel finds Deutsche Airbus in violation of the subsidies code; Economic reform picks up pace in Albania – U.S. and European investors show interest; IMF support for Brazil – new hopes and their implications; A Department of Commerce ruling opens the door to countervailing duty cases against China
- International Trade Developments: Privatization in Mexico advances; Chile: Balancing capital mobility and export competitiveness; U.S.-Japan semiconductor agreement under fire; Dispute settlement under the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement
- International Trade Developments: Regional trade may begin to recover in the former Soviet bloc; The United States shows a surplus in trade with Mexico; The United States acts to resolve oilseeds dispute with the EC; Beer in North America: A longtime controversy solved?; EC’s “Utilities Directive” under fire; The United States and the EC reach tentative agreement on subsidies to aircraft manufacturers; UNCTAD investigates trade finance in developing countries
- International Trade Developments: United States and Japan reach agreement on paper market; Cuba: A post-Soviet economic survival plan; Mexico on the threshold of a historic agricultural reform; Constitutional developments in Quebec; India reforms trade and investment policies
- International Trade Developments: What is the Commonwealth of Independent States?; China steps up trade reforms; Prospects of direct participation in the Mexican petroleum industry by NAFTA partners are now remote; The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is up and running, but critics question its usefulness
- International Trade Developments: Europe’s Maastricht Treaty: Subsidiarity to the Rescue?; U.S. Initiates Andean Trade Benefits; Barter and Countertrade Once Again on the Rise in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Area; Taiwan and Japan Extend Machine Tool VRAs with the U.S.; Uruguay Round Developments in 1992
- International Trade Developments: Airbus agreement signed; “The Wolf has Arrived”: enforcing IPR protection in Mexico; A NAFTA source guide; Steps are underway to improve the international competitiveness of U.S. high-tech industries
- International Trade Developments: National referendum held on Canadian constitutional reform; EC summit leaders vow to press forward with Maastricht Treaty; U.S. and Korea agree on trade and investment measures
- International Trade Developments: Update on bilateral trade agreements between the EC and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics; China agrees to ease market-access barriers to U.S. exports; Last-minute GATT agriculture talks fail, then succeed; IS the U.S. isolated on isolating Cuba?; ASEAN moves closer to free-trade area; Expanding commercial relations with former Yugoslav republics offer selective opportunities for business
- International Trade Developments: Korea threatened with 301 case; China devalues again
- International Trade Developments: Uruguay Round Resumption Awaits Farm Plan; Polish-American and Hungarian-American Enterprise Funds are off to a good start
- International Trade Developments: Resumption of development loads to China; What role should the United States play in the Mexican oil industry after a Free Trade Agreement?; Commission responses to second remand to ITC on Canadian pork
- International Trade Developments: U.S. asks dispute settlement panel to examine German exchange rate guarantee scheme for Airbus; Liberalizing trade in Latin America and the Caribbean: An update; U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: After 2 years, how does it shape up?; A new bank to aid Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R. begins operations
- International Trade Developments: Uruguay Round talks resume; Uruguay Round predicted to succeed; Mexicans favor a Free Trade Agreement; U.S.-Canada dispute settlement process comes under close scrutiny; Health standards plague U.S.-EC relations; Second generation of association agreements strengthens ties between the European Community and Eastern European countries
- International Trade Developments: “Nontrade issues emerging for FTA or NAFTA negotiations; The spectrum of industrial cooperation –from collusion to pure competition – what is acceptable in the North American context?; EC issues list of U.S. trade barriers; U.S.-EC dispute over EC oilseeds subsidies lingers on; Transition to market-based trading between Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union is proving painful; USTR designates China a “Priority Foreign Country” under Special 301; Argentina’s open door economic polices: The search for a credible economic stabilization plan
- International Trade Developments: The human rights issue and the MFN status of China; Beer in North America: trouble is brewing; OECD Minsters endorse early Uruguay Round conclusion
- International Trade Developments: Caribbean Basin Trade Preferences: Impact of a United States-Mexican FTA; Liberalization of Foreign Trade in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland: Progress and Prospects; U.S., EC Discuss Standards, Testing, and Certification Issues
- International Trade Developments: EC proposes agricultural reform; Korea loosens restrictions on foreign retailers; U.S. trade with Caribbean Basin continues to increase; EEA progress stalls again
- International Trade Developments: Crisis shatters Yugoslav economic unity, but foreign investors see reasons to be hopeful; Corn gluten feed: U.S.-EC trade issue; Laying the groundwork for free trade in the Western Hemisphere: An update; Agreements reached with Japan on construction services and semiconductors; Canada terminates memorandum of understanding on softwood lumber: What happens now?
- International Trade Developments: U.S. takes steps to grant seven more countries MFN treatment; Recent status of the Uruguay Round; Update on the European Community; Trade accords and environmental considerations: The case of Mexican tuna; U.S. bans foreign fish caught in drift nets
- International Trade Developments: Lifting the trade embargo on Vietnam; Korean rice in the pressure cooker
- International Trade Developments: The Uruguay Round continues to progress; Informal trade ministerial meeting held in Japan; China’s economy: the news is both good and bad
- International Trade Developments: U.S. releases statement on GATT textiles and clothing talks; Mexico issues new automotive and maquiladora decrees; EC signs trade pact with USSR, forges closer links with Eastern Europe; Regional effects of the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement
- International Trade Developments: Will China’s devaluation succeed?; Privatization in Mexico proceeds at a fast clip; U.S.-Canada Free-Trade Agreement: after 1 year, how does it shape up?
- International Trade Developments: EC and East Europe forge new links; Germany is likely to play a leading role in Eastern-Bloc trade; Waiting – but not watching – is over for Japan’s latest import promotion scheme
- International Trade Developments: Contours of a new deal in economic cooperation emerge among the nonmarket economies
- International Trade Developments: Post-Uruguay Round Predictions; EC 1992: Bane or boon to the Uruguay Round?
- International Trade Developments: East European economic conditions worsen: More requests for assistance likely; GATT ruling leaves Thailand smoking; Brazil’s new government opts for open-door policy; Structural impediments in Japan continue to receive attention; Standards code set for improvement
- International Trade Developments: Uruguay Round review yields mixed report card; Canadian Election: The U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement is likely to be implemented; Japan moves closer to tax reform; No signs of progress on the U.S.-Japan rice issue at Montreal; The EC’s hormone ban: one year later; U.S.-Taiwan currency talks likely soon; Rapid inflation continues in Brazil; Indonesia reforms its banking sector
- International Trade Developments: Soviets spur joint ventures with the West; Tax reform in Canada proceeding on schedule; China puts trade reforms on hold
- International Trade Developments: The Sarney administration makes a new effort to rescue Brazil’s economy; Breakthrough on U.S.-EC hormone dispute; Foreign investment and mergers in Canada; The U.S. and China sign maritime and satellite agreements; Rivalry in Soviet grain market intensifies; OECD opens dialogue with NIEs
- International Trade Developments: Expansion of CBI program appears likely; Japan-United States FSX project approved with modifications
- International Trade Developments: GATT breaks deadlock and charts plan for future negotiations; Update on foreign investment in China
- International Trade Developments: Super 301 designations provoke strong reaction; Uruguay Round negotiating groups back at work; GATT panel sacks U.S. sugar import policy; Mexico liberalizes its foreign investment rules; EC responds to USTR’s report on foreign trade barriers; OECD minsters criticize unilateral trade actions; Canadian International Trade Tribunal becomes Canada’s principal trade remedy agency; Japan to become the world’s largest aid donor in 1989
- International Trade Developments: Calls for Asian-Pacific unity are getting louder; Mexico extends wage and price controls Draft agreement tabled in Uruguay Round safeguards group; U.S. and EC settle dispute on EC subsidies to processors of canned fruit; Soviets push “Free Economic Zones” to attract Western capital
- International Trade Developments: Administration to phase out steel VRAs; United States and European Community may be headed for a new hormones dispute; EC proposes phaseout of Multifiber Arrangement; “Tarriffication” of agriculture; Recent developments in the Uruguay Round; United States and Switzerland table TRIMs proposals; U.S.-Canada subsidies negotiations highlighted; Outlook is limited for section 936 financing of Caribbean investments
- U.S.-Japan negotiations shift into high gear; Outlook is optimistic for a new U.S.-Soviet grain pact
- Uruguay Round proposals being submitted; Protectionist EC directive on broadcasting angers the U.S.; European Community semiconductor policies raise concerns in the U.S.; U.S. access to the Japanese construction market still limited; The U.S. and Japan outline structural impediments initiative issues; New U.S.-Mexico understand signed at summit; Will the new debt relief agreement attract a flow of funds into Mexico?; Taiwan’s ban on beef
- U.S.-Japan structural impediments initiative talks stall; Korea relinquishes its right to use GATT balance-of-payments exemption; U.S. investigation of Brazil’s reserved computer market ends; United States present agriculture proposal in Uruguay Round talks; Joint ventures accelerate in the U.S.S.R.; Hungary receives “permanent” most-favored-nation status
- U.S. proposes services framework; Will the most advanced NICs lose their GSP privileges?; EC delays implementation of animal hormone ban; The bilateral free trade agreement and U.S.-Canadian energy trade
- U.S. soybean producers file section 301 complaint against EC; EC releases GATT services proposal; The third summit of ASEAN members promises new intra-ASEAN trading opportunities; Investment Canada leads effort to attract foreign capital to Canada; The Mexican Government confronts a new setback in the economy
- Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan are graduated from the U.S. GSP program; Tension mounts in the U.S.-Brazil computer dispute; GATT accession rise as Uruguay Round gets underway; FTA and North American automotive trade; OECD raises mixed credit interest rates; China reports turnaround in foreign trade
- EC summit leaders reach compromise to curb agricultural spending; GSP program benefits could be halved by decision to graduate Asian NICs; U.S.-Canada FTA: economic effects
- Canadian textile and apparel industries gain additional duty concessions; Canada fishes for a resolution to the salmon and herring dispute; Brazil and Mexico: policies compared; Groundwork laid for U.S. participation on Kansai and other major projects; China's new trade reforms; Toward a Pacific OECD?; Mixed credit offers proliferate despite tightened OECD rules; Negotiations to strengthen the GATT Movement toward sanctions against South Africa
- EC council makes first decision on new component dumping regulation; Canada agrees to alter its liquor sales practices; Question: Where's the beef? Answer: It's not in Korea; Citrus and beef dispute moves to the GATT; U.S. and Japanese negotiators assess semiconductor pact; Foreign auto sales in Japan increase over those of last year; Quadrilateral Trade Ministers confer on agricultural subsidies; Fast track for tropical products;
- The composition of U.S. imports from the Caribbean Basin changes; Agriculture in the Uruguay Round: On the outside looking in; OECD ministers agree on trade and economic issues; China renews efforts to improve investment climate
- The European Community-Hungary accord: opening a Pandora’s box?; Uruguay Round update
- U.S.-Canadian free-trade agreement closer to reality; U.S.-Korean agricultural trade issues
- Major strides toward agriculture liberalization in Japan; Brazil shifts to a more liberal trade policy; USTR to review GSP status of several countries; Puerto Rico's twin plant initiative encourages investment in the Caribbean Basin
- Mexico's outgoing administration defends its economic policies; Japan studies free-trade agreement with the United States; prepares for a greater role in Asia; Long-distance static over telecommunications; U.S. exports; recent performance
- A new setback in U.S.-Brazil economic relations; Japan's distribution system comes under scrutiny; China reins in a troubled economy
- U.S. and European Community agree on compensation for lost U.S. feedgrain sales; Canada deregulates financial services; New focus provided to U.S.-Canadian free trade negotiations; China makes more concession to foreign investors; Deficit with Japan reaches record levels, trade friction increase
- Telecommunications services: One more trans-Pacific trade dispute ; South Korea's new trade measures; Taiwan's bid to lower U.S. pressure on trade; China's mounting foreign debt; OECD ministers tackle trade issues; Changing patterns in world trade in 1986—what do they really show?; Differing U.S. and Canadian trade statistics lead to a bilateral resolution; European Community publishes list of U.S. trade barriers
- EC leaders shelve proposal to tax fats and oils; Brazil's recent economic and trade measures could improve relations with the United States; U.S. and Canadian experience with statutory trade cases: a clue to the outcome of the current free-trade negotiations?; The Republic of Korea accepts IMF recommendation to revalue its currency
- Services trade included in new bilateral trade agreement; The economic implications of South Korea's labor unrest; Troubled CBERA gets fresh ideas; United States and Japan strive to commercialize superconductor technology; United States and China sign agreement on trade in tungsten
- United States and Canada agree on a framework of investment principles; The United States and Mexico conclude a trade agreement; The United States and Israel commemorate FTA anniversary; Mounting pressures for reform of Japan's agricultural policies
- The Pony is coming!; United States and Soviet Union reach accord on air service; United States and Japan settle leather dispute; U.S. and Japanese leaders scheduled to assess progress in sectoral negotiations
- Advanced GSP beneficiaries continue to get most of the program's benefits; Oil's slide complicates Gorbachev's economic plans; New trade round sparks interest in accession to the GATT; Investment in the Philippines; China's 1986 plans give top import priority to many U.S. products; Controversial U.S.-Brazil maritime agreement is extended; Trade representatives move closer to coordinated MTN positions; GATT Preparatory Committee meets to set new round agenda
- Nakasone pledges to take steps to reduce Japan's dependence on exports; One nation, two systems: the policy in practice; Update on GATT dispute settlement; First package of bilateral investment treaties sent to Senate for ratification; GATT Preparatory Committee progress
- The grapes of GATT: wine case blocked to force action on wheatflour and pasta; New export policy responses to Mexico's financial plight; Taiwan and Toyota make a deal—but is it fair?; China joins Asian Development Bank; New trade round momentum maintained
- Japanese airport project tests U.S. patience; Taiwan sits on a fortune in foreign reserves; EC reminds GATT Council of its concerns on the U.S. manufacturing clause; An illustration of the J-curve hypothesis using recent data from the United States
- U.S. and EC reach temporary accord on enlargement-related farm trade dispute; The semiconductor issue moves into a new stage; No assurances on Soviet purchases of U.S. wheat; Puerto Rico embraces the CBI
- United States reaches textile accords with Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Republic of Korea; Korea concedes on three longstanding trade disputes with the United States; The United States and Japan conclude semiconductor negotiations; A loan accord between the IMF and Mexico breaks new ground; China devalues in response to mounting deficit; GATT Preparatory Committee fails to draft declaration; Multifiber Arrangement extended amid calls for tighter textile import quotas
- GATT Accord reached on launching the new round of trade negotiations; Key compromise on agriculture, smooths launch of new round; Services linked to GAIT talks; Intellectual property protection on the agenda; China applies to rejoin GATT; Soviet GATT bid rebuffed; Economic issues dominated the Brazilian President's Washington visit
- United States criticizes Japan's mixed-credit policy China offers new incentives to foreign investors; A new U.S. levy on imported crude oil upsets economic relations with Mexico; EC challenges U.S.-Japanese semiconductor agreement
- ITC report on United States-Mexico trade and southwest border development; Statutory trade cases: U.S. and Canadian experience; South Korean money goes offshore
- National studies on services trade issues lay groundwork for multilateral discussion; New graduation rules in the revised GSP New foreign investment policy in Canada; China's economic reform program implies significant benefits, and possibly a few new problems, for foreign companies
- Restraints on Japanese auto exports cost U.S. consumers $15.7 billion, Commission estimates; Administration hasn't asked for continued voluntary restraints on Japanese autos; Soviet oil production shows first year-to-year decline since World War II; U.S.-Chinese grain agreement expires; New interest shown in Latin American regional trade cooperation; North Korea and South Korea are talking trade; Commission releases a report on industrial targeting in Brazil, Canada, Korea, Mexico and Taiwan; GATT members agree on new trade dispute procedures
- Trade ministers from the United States, Japan, the European Community and Canada met February 9-11 for the Ninth Quadrilateral Trade Ministers' Conference in Kyoto, Japan; EC is hesitant to enter into new round of trade talks Counterfeit-busting in Taiwan; Brazil and Mexico: similar features in economic performance and policies; Wine trade measures attacked in the GATT Results of new Canadian investment policy; Restraints on auto imports to end, but balance sheets of U.S. makers look good; Nearly non-stop negotiations with Japan about telecommunications continue; Trade highlights For 1979-1984
- U.S. frustration with Japan mounts; Japan and United States agree on autos, steel, and telecommunications trade; Trade deficit with Canada: catalyst for protectionist legislation?; EC retaliates against Canadian import restrictions on beef; Experts prescribe treatment for trade system malady; Enlargement of the European Community: Spain and Portugal to join in 1986; U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area to eliminate tariffs by 1995; The Caribbean Basin Initiative after its first year; Latin American governments look to the private sector; Expanded U.S.-Soviet trade in agricultural equipment and technology sought; OECD fails to satisfy U.S. concerns over use of mixed credits
- Focus in U.S.-Mexican commercial relations moves to the issues of transborder trucking and natural resources pricing; Tone worsens as problems plague the U.S.-EC 1985 trade agenda; Malaysia moves into heavy industry; Prospects for a U.S.-Canada free-trade area brighten; China tightens controls against foreign exchange abuses; Update on U.S.-Japan trade issues
- Group of Ten endorses floating exchange rates: Opponents emphasize need for greater stability; Truce is called in citrus-pasta "war"; New Canadian investment agency to stress the positive; The United States and the European Community finally work out; compromise on further access of EC steel pipe to the U.S. market; Mexico relaxes import controls; Singapore is using its ASEAN muscle to fight New Zealand's decision to revise its GSP program; Congress revises export administration law; Developing countries agree in principle to a new round of trade talks
- Brazil's new Government faces foreign trade issues; Canada to lift shoe restraints?; Another transatlantic steel dispute is averted by an agreement restricting certain European Community steel exports to the United States; Prospects for U.S.-Chinese nuclear cooperation; Much ado about . . . Japan's latest market opening moves?; Imports of manufactures still play a minor role in Japan; July meetings fail to clear the way for a new round of multilateral trade negotiations; Trade and economic growth: World Bank urges industrialized countries to resist protectionism
- Gorbachev's economic strategy takes shape; A profile of U.S. trade; Prospects for U.S. technology transfer to China improve; New trade round moves closer after annual meeting of the GATT; Growth versus austerity in Latin American debtor countries
- Korea and Taiwan plunge into the world auto industry; Accord on nuclear cooperation opens up significant investment opportunities in China for U.S. companies; Status report on disputes before GATT panels; EC's new farm policy limits subsidies, discourages production surpluses; Expanding Bonn-East Berlin trade corridor exemplifies trade over politics
- A new trade round waits offstage; Commerce rules out countervailing duties for NME's; U.S. firm asks action against foreign subsidies on satellite launching services; Are foreign partners preferable to foreign creditors?; Liberalization of Japan's financial markets announced U.S. offensive against export credit war; Can Korean shipbuilders chart a new course?
- EC's new commercial defense instrument influenced by U.S. section 301; South Korean firms are establishing themselves firmly in Silicon Valley, California; Telecommunications trade bill introduced; The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) holds economic summit
- GATT's Government Procurement Code success or failure?; Natural gas glut in Western Europe may slash Soviet pipeline revenues; A strong reserve position and small foreign debt attest to China's exceptional creditworthiness; The nuclear age comes to Asia; Profile: GATT dispute settlement since the Tokyo round; EC and 64 developing countries hold free trade talks
- New country-of-origin regulations for U.S. apparel imports threaten China's role in Hong Kong's knitwear industry; Maritime boundary dispute is settled; Sour grapes embitter U.S.-EC bilateral trade relations; Commerce revamps proposed regulations for distribution licenses; GATT report says discriminatory practices are threatening the world trading system
- GATT parley agrees on trade agenda for 1985; Brazilian Congress closes door to protect its growing informatics industry; Brazil reduces some trade barriers; Revival of U.S.-Soviet agreements on scientific, cultural, and commercial cooperation
- Japan will limit shipments of specialty steel and autos; Countervailing duty petition against textile imports from China; What's dutiable: the disk, its contents, or both?; World debts: Crisis continues; Japanese industrial targeting of the advanced ceramic industry; The United States ran a deficit in labor content of trade in 1982; Global recovery requires "sustainable, noninflationary growth" in the advanced industrial world; Piracy on the high seas: commercial counterfeiting
- U.S.-Canada negotiations on computer services and privacy?; A recent surge in U.S. countervailing duty cases against Mexico affects commercial relations; China moves to strengthen its international economic ties; Western demand for Soviet hydrocarbons clinches interdependence in Europe; A cameo of Third World troubles: Casablanca is crumbling