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 Electronics Sector Questionnaire

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Electronics Sector Questionnaire

The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) is conducting a fact-finding investigation to examine the electronics sector to get a clearer picture of U.S. exports of used electronic products. This investigation has been requested by the United States Trade Representative (USTR), who has directed the USITC to prepare a report that (1) provides estimates and details about U.S. exports of used electronic products, and the share of exports compared to all used electronic products sold or processed in the United States, (2) describes the types and activities of U.S. organizations that export used electronic products, and (3) describes the types and activities of the foreign enterprises that import used electronic products from the United States. According to the USTR, such data and analysis will aid the National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship in helping U.S. firms and other groups to better manage electronic products throughout their lifecycles. This questionnaire has been designed to collect information to fulfill this request.


The Commission has designated as "confidential business information" the information you provide in response to this questionnaire, to the extent that such information would reveal the operations of your organization and is not otherwise available to the public. The Commission will not disclose such confidential business information except as provided for in section 9 of the questionnaire. Information received in response to this questionnaire will be aggregated with information from other questionnaire responses and will not be published in a manner that would reveal the operations of your organization.

Additional Information

For more information about this report and the investigation for which it is being prepared (no. 332-528), please visit the Ongoing Investigations page.

If you need any assistance with the questionnaire, please contact one of our team members:

More information about the U.S. International Trade Commission can be found by visiting