Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 8:30 am - Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 2:30 pm
USITC 2023 Digital Trade Workshop
- The USITC 2023 Digital Trade Workshop will focus on emerging issues related to digital and services trade. The workshop will host prominent speakers from academia, policy institutions, and international organizations to discuss the following topics: i.) availability of data on and measurement of digital trade; ii.) impacts of increased digitization on services trade including from new advances in information and communication technologies (ICT); iii.) measurement and coding of policy barriers to digital trade; iv.) impacts of data policy restrictions; and v.) policy actions that can facilitate digital trade. The keynote speaker will synthesize recent digital trade trends and related research.
- For participants and full agenda, see the attached Workshop Agenda below.
- All observers are welcome and do not need to register in advance.
- For any questions, please reach out to Saad Ahmad ( or Tamar Khachaturian (
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