Firm Level Analysis of Services Trade Restrictions
in the Life Insurance Industry
Tamar Khachaturian and Sarah Oliver
Accompanying Equations (HTML
The focus of this analysis is the effect of life insurance trade
restrictions on market participation, as measured by the number of firms in
each country, and on profit margins. The number of firms and average profit
margins are calculated using the firm-level data described in section 4 and in
the appendix. The main policy variable is the World Bank’s STRI for mode 3 life
insurance. The index reflects licensing restrictions, foreign equity limits and
other policies affecting the commercial establishment and operation of foreign life
insurance firms.
First, a simple cross-sectional regression estimates the impact of the STRI
level on the number of firms in each country. Equation (1) is the basic form of
the model:
The dependent variable is the number of firms in country i in 2011. Additional
controls are added in model 2: level of development, proxied by whether the
country is categorized as a high-income country, and the log of population.
While the STRI is expected to have a negative impact on the number of firms,
level of development and country size are expected to have positive impacts:
The above models are estimated using both a linear regression and a
non-linear Poisson model where the dependent variable is in levels rather than
logs. In addition to the analysis of the total number of firms in a country
market, these models are estimated separately for SMEs and large firms as well
as for the ratio of SMEs to all firms in the country as the dependent variables.
Second, models estimate the impact of the STRI level on the average
profitability of firms in a given market, measured as profit before taxes over
net premiums written: