The method estimate performs a sector-by-sector GLM estimation based on a Poisson distribution with data diagnostics that help increase the likelihood of convergence. If sector_by_sector is specified, the routine is repeated for each sector individually, estimating a separate model each time. The estimate routine inherits all specifications from those supplied to the EstimationModel. The routine follows several steps.
Creates Fixed effects: Fixed effects are created based on the EstimationModel specification.
Pre-Diagnostics: Several steps are taken to increase the likelihood that the estimation will converge successfully. Click here to technical details.
- Perfect Colinearity: Columns and observations that are perfectly collinear are identified and excluded.
- Insufficient Variation: Variables in which there is an insufficient level of variation for estimation are excluded. These are typically cases in which a country does not import or export at all for a given level of fixed effect.
Estimate: Estimation is run using in statsmodels for the Poisson family distribution. Robust standard errors are computed using the HC1 version of the Huber-White estimator for heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix.
Post-Diagnostics: A test for over-fit values as in Santos Silva and Tenreyro (2011).
Results: The method returns EstimationModel.results_dict and stores two others (EstimationModel.ppml_diagnostics and EstimationModel.modified_data) as attributes of the EstimationModel.
EstimationModel.results_dict: This is a dictionary of results objects from the statsmodels routine, each keyed using either the name of the sector if the estimation was sector-by-sector (i.e. sector_by_sector = True) or with the key 'all' if not. It is both returned and stored as EstimationModel.results_dict.1
EstimationModel.ppml_diagnostics: A data frame containing a column of pre- and post-diagnostic information for each regression
EstimationModel.modified_data: A dictionary using the same keys as results_dict, each containing the modified DataFrames created during the pre-diagnostic stages of the estimations. Because of the large memory footprint of this assignment, storing it is optional and only done if specified (i.e. EstimationModel.retain_modified_data = True)
# Create fixed effects and specify sector by sector estimation >>> gme_data = gme.EstimationData(data_frame = sample_data, imp_var_name = 'importer', exp_var_name = 'exporter', sector_var_name = 'sector' trade_var_name = 'trade_value', year_var_name = 'year') >>> sample_estimation_model = gme.EstimationModel(estimation_data = gme_data, lhs_var = 'trade_value', rhs_var = ['log_distance','agree_pta','common_language','contiguity'], fixed_effects = ['importer', 'exporter'], keep_years = [2013, 2014, 2015], sector_by_sector = True) # Estimate the model >>> sample_estimation_model.estimate() # Generate post-diagnostics >>> diag = sample_estimation_model.ppml_diagnostics >>> print(diag) Overfit Warning No Collinearities No Number of Columns Excluded 3 Perfectly Collinear Variables [] Zero Trade Variables [importer_fe_IRN, importer_fe_LBY, importer_fe... # Extract the results to a new data frame and save to a .csv >>> results_dictionary = sample_estimation_model.results_dict("c:\folder\saved_results.csv")
For more details about the statsmodels results object, see ↩