How is the competitiveness of U.S. industries affected by current international trade issues and new technology developments?
Four times a year, the Office of Industries publishes the Industry Trade and Technology Review ( ITTR ), analyzing factors currently affecting U.S. manufacturing and services industries and providing deeper analysis and insight into their competitiveness. ITTR articles also provide our readers with an understanding of the implications of trade policy developments.
Industry Trade and Technology Review contains articles originating from research and analysis conducted by U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) staff as part of its responsibilities to provide advice and technical information on industry and trade issues. The ITTR provides analysis of important issues and insights into the global position of U.S. industries, the technological competitiveness of the United States , and implications of trade and policy developments. The ITTR is a publication of the Office of Industries. The opinions and conclusions it contains are those of the authors and are not the views of the Commission or of any individual Commissioner. Below are all recent ITTR issues, available for the public:
2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 |
- Articles: Customs facilitation: Global initiatives and the progress of WTO negotiations; International markets for environmental insurance
- Articles: Radioisotopes: Medical breakthroughs but concerns about availability, foreign dependence, and national security Production-sharing update: Developments in 2003
- Articles: U.S. tobacco quota buyout: Issues and analysis; WTO agricultural trade negotiations: A fourth place
- Articles: Logistic services: Industry overview and issues for negotiation; Powder metallurgy and advanced aluminum sheet processing: Applications of advanced technology in the automotive industry
- Articles: International steel capacity and subsidy negotiations; Solid and hazardous waste services markets in Asia and the Pacific
- Articles: Global trends in the information technology outsourcing services market; Production sharing update: Developments in 2002
- Articles: Global copyright protection and the challenge of digital piracy; The measurement and effects of nontariff barriers to trade in basic telecommunication services
- Articles: WTO Agricultural trade negotiations: Third update recapping the Doha Ministerial Catalysts: An innovative industry responds to technological and competitive challenges
- Articles: Major contraction of the domestic refined copper industry; Power generation and transmission equipment in the Latin American Market
- Articles: International trade in commercial equipment leasing services; International telecommunication markets: Accounting rate reform
- Articles: U.S. telecommunication services: Industry and trade outlook; Mexico versus China: Factors affecting export and investment competition; Production-sharing update: Developments in 2001
- Articles: Dyeing and finishing of apparel fabrics; WTO agricultural trade negotiations: A second update; Aluminum metal matrix composites gaining greater market acceptance
- Articles: Evidence of trade, income, and employment effects of NAFTA; U.S. primary aluminium: Power costs and market conditions could cause long-term restructuring
- Articles: E-commerce and nonferrous metals: Despite potential, adoption has been slow; Foreign direct investment in infrastructure services in OECD countries
- Articles: Apparel: Andean countries seek parity with Caribbean Basin countries to remain competitive in the U.S. market; Chemical trade by the Central European countries: Difficulties of sector transition; Commercialization of hybrid automobiles: Prospective demand for light metals
- Articles: WTO agricultural trade negotiations: An update; Steel sector explores E-commerce although wary of quick transition; Mexico's emergence as a global automotive production center drives trade and investment
- Articles: Express services: Issues for negotiation in the World Trade Organization; Production-sharing update: Developments in 1999; Apparel market: New U.S. legislation places CBERA countries on a more equal competitive basis with Mexico
- Articles: Air transport services--international regulation and future prospects for liberalization; and renewed services trade negotiations in the WTO
- Articles discuss: energy services--recent trends and future prospects; market trends affecting the U.S. environmental services sector; and health care services
- Articles discuss the Uruguay Round elimination of duties on pharmaceuticals; alternative materials in the U.S. automotive industry promoting development of joining and bonding technology; and Electronic trade transforming delivery of audiovisual services
- Articles discuss mobile satellite services; India's steel industry emerging as a competitive global player; textiles and apparel--India's integration into the world economy and opportunites for U.S. firms
- Articles discuss world textile and apparel trade; world shipbuilding and the status of OECD Agreement to eliminate subsidies; and new technology in steel industry's thin-slab casting/flat-rolling processes
- Articles discuss GATS commitments to restrict barriers affecting computer services; enhanced navigation technology; and the transition to reformulated gasoline
- Articles discuss the first legally enforceable global agreement covering trade and investment in the financial services sector, commercialization of a promising energy-saving technology (Sol-Gel), investment in Chinese infrastructure that is expected to augment its grain imports, and a scorecard on the NAFTA...early signs confirm benefits
- Articles discuss Section 22 Uruguay Round Agreement changes and the impact on U.S. operation of agricultural program; telecommunication services and Bell companies' act to join global network alliances; global implications of the information superhighway; government/industry cooperation to commercialize new manufacturing process for materials in direct ironmaking