August 6, 2014
News Release 14-080
Inv. Nos. 701-TA-498 and 731-TA-1213 (Final)
Contact: Peg O'Laughlin, 202-205-1819


The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that a U.S. industry is neither materially injured nor threatened with material injury by reason of imports of certain steel threaded rod from India that the U.S. Department of Commerce has determined are subsidized and sold in the United States at less than fair value.

Chairman Meredith M. Broadbent, Vice Chairman Dean A. Pinkert, and Commissioners Irving A. Williamson, David S. Johanson, and F. Scott Kieff voted in the negative. Commissioner Rhonda K. Schmidtlein did not participate in these investigations.

As a result of the USITC's negative determinations, no antidumping and countervailing duty orders will be issued.

The Commission's public report Certain Steel Threaded Rod from India (Investigation Nos. 701- TA-498 and 731-TA-1213 (Final), USITC Publication 4487, August 2014) will contain the views of the Commissioners and information developed during the investigations.

The report will be available after September 8, 2014. After that date, it may be accessed on the USITC website at:

Office of Industries
Washington, DC 20436


Certain Steel Threaded Rod from India
Investigation Nos. 701-TA-498 and 731-TA-1213 (Final)

Product Description: Certain steel threaded rod is carbon quality steel rod threaded along greater than 25 percent of its length, with a solid, circular cross section, of any diameter, in any straight length, and is forged, turned, cold-drawn, cold-rolled, machine straightened, or otherwise cold-finished. This product is primarily used in commercial construction applications to suspend support systems for electrical conduit, pipes for plumbing, HVAC ductwork, sprinkler systems, etc. Normally, one end of the threaded rod is fastened to the ceiling and the other end is fastened to the support that is holding the pipes or ductwork or sprinkler.

Status of Proceedings:
1. Type of investigation: Final countervailing duty and antidumping.
2. Petitioners:  All America Threaded Products, Inc., Denver, CO; Bay Standard
       Manufacturing, Inc., Brentwood, CA; and Vulcan Threaded Products, Inc., Pelham,
3. Investigation instituted by USITC:  June 27, 2013.
4. USITC hearing: March 20, 2014.
5. USITC vote: August 6, 2014.
6. USITC notification of Department of Commerce: August 18, 2014.

U.S. Industry:
1. Number of U.S. producers in 2013:  5.
2. Location of producers' plants:  Alabama, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio,
       Pennsylvania, and Texas.
3. Employment of production and related workers in 2013: (1)
4. U.S. producers' U.S. shipments in 2013: (1)
5. Apparent U.S. consumption in 2013: (1) 
6. Ratio of subject imports to apparent U.S. consumption in 2013: (1)

U.S. Imports in 2013:
1. From the subject countries during 2013:  India $14.2 million, Thailand $10.5 million.
2. From other countries during 2013:  $29.6 million.
3. Leading sources during 2013: China, India, and Thailand (in terms of total value).

(1) Withheld to avoid disclosure of business proprietary information.

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