May 16, 2011
News Release 11-050
Inv. Nos. 731-TA-1186-1187 (P)
Contact: Peg O'Laughlin, 202-205-1819
The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that there is a reasonable indication that a U.S. industry is materially injured by reason of imports of certain stilbenic optical brightening agents from China and Taiwan that are allegedly sold in the United States at less than fair value.
All six Commissioners voted in the affirmative.
As a result of the Commission's affirmative determinations, the U.S. Department of Commerce will continue to conduct its antidumping duty investigation on imports of these products from China and Taiwan, with its preliminary antidumping duty determinations due on or about September 7, 2011.
The Commission's public report Certain Stilbenic Optical Brightening Agents from China and Taiwan (Investigation Nos. 731-TA-1186-1187 (Preliminary), USITC Publication 4236, May 2011) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigations.
Copies of the report are expected to be available after June 13, 2011, by emailing, calling 202-205-2000, or writing to the Office of the Secretary, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Requests may also be faxed to 202-205-2104.
Certain Stilbenic Optical Brightening Agents from China and Taiwan
Investigation Nos. 731-TA-1186 1187 (Preliminary)
Product Description: These investigations cover certain stilbenic optical brightening agents (CSOBAs), which are synthetic organic chemicals used to increase the brightness of paper and other materials. CSOBAs are derivatives of 4-4'-bis[1,3,5-triazin-2-yl] amino-2-2'- stilbenedisulfonic acid. CSOBAs are classified under HTS subheading 3204.20.80, but may also be imported under HTS subheadings 2921.59.40, 2921.59.80, and 2933.69.60.
Status of Proceedings: 1. Types of investigations: Preliminary antidumping. 2. Petitioners: Clariant Corp., Charlotte, NC. 3. Petition filed with USITC: March 31, 2011. 4. USITC staff conference: April 21, 2011. 5. USITC vote: May 16, 2011. 6. USITC determinations due to the U.S. Department of Commerce: May 16, 2011. U.S. Industry: 1. Number of U.S. firms involved in production of CSOBAs in 2010: Three. 2. Location of producers' plants: Alabama and South Carolina. 3. Employment of production and related workers in 2010: (1) 4. U.S. producers' shipments in 2010: (1) 5. U.S. apparent consumption in 2010: (1) 6. Ratio of quantity of total imports to U.S. production in 2010: (1) U.S. Imports: 1. Total imports in 2010: (1) 2. Total subject imports from China and Taiwan in 2010: (1) 3. Total non-subject imports in 2010: (1)
(1) Withheld to avoid disclosure of business proprietary information.